Losing faith

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Hermione's P.O.V

I have lost my sense of time completely. I guess that it's something close to two or three at night, because it's so dark.

I'm not sure do I survive over tomorrow anymore. I feel like I'd be freaking out. I'm in a horrible pain all the time. The spot on the floor I'm laying on is covered in my blood.

I'm losing my faith in the chance of my friends coming to help me...if there ever even was that chance...

~7 hours later~

Yaxley opens the door again, as usual. He grabs the another ends of the chains and commands me to walk.

I can barely move my body, because of the pain. I can't even stand up anymore.

"GET UP MUDBLOOD!" Yaxley shouts. "I can't..." I whisper in tears.

"You...get...up...when...I...say...so." Yaxley says cruelly.

I cry when I slowly stand up. The pain feels almost worse than Bellatrix is actually torturing me.

I walk carefully. I bite my tongue so I don't scream.

"What is the matter, mudblood? Did you see a nightmare?" I hear Bellatrix asking.

"She said that she can't even get up." Yaxley tells.

"Well...then today...you're standing up." Bellatrix says.

Yaxley attach the chains on my wrists high on the wall, so my arms are almost getting pulled of my body. Then he attachs the chains on my ankles on the floor. They are forcing me to stand up.

"So...should we start from the cuts today?" Bellatrix ponders. "Well, why not." she says.

She rips my old cuts open in the exact same order as she made them. I scream on every time she does it.

"Hmm...now...where should I make the new ones?" Bellatrix wonders.

She draws a small sircle on the left side of my chest with her dagger, but she doesn't make a cut.

"I'm saving that for later..." she mumbles and laughs.

"If you can barely stand...maybe it's better for you to not to...stand or walk in here at all for a little while..." Bellatrix says.

I gasp.

"Ahhahaaa...you think that now I'm going to rip your legs off or something? No, no, no, no...I'm not that cruel." Bellatrix says and laughs.

Then she makes deep, long cuts on my both tighs. I scream. The pain gets so bad...so, so bad...

"Now that is REAL pain...but I'm not going to stop...CRUCIO!" Bellatrix yells and I scream again.

Your P.O.V

I'm at defensing against dark arts lesson. I just want that school would end as fast as it could today...we're going to go to save Hermione.

Harry, Ron and Ginny are coming with me. We made a plan yesterday. It should work...but anything can happen...

It feels weird to sit alone at the lesson. Hermione is usually sitting next to me...but now her seat is empty.

Hopefully it's not going to be empty forever...

~8 hours later~

We had a long day. Now I, Ginny, Harry and Ron are checking our plan to save Hermione at the libary.

"Okay, so everyone remember what are your main missions in the plan?" I ask quietly.

Harry, Ron and Ginny nod.

"Taking out the possible guard or another deatheaters." Ginny says.
"Supporting Ginny and securing your back." Harry says.

"Taking Hermione out of there as quick as possible." Ron says.

"Distracting Bellatrix." I say.

"(Y/n), you and Ron should take the invisibility cloack." Harry says quietly.

"No, you and Ginny need it more. You must be unseen on the moment when you start to take out the other deatheaters or whatever there will be." I say.

"And whatever happens to me during this, you must get Hermione and yourselves out of there. I have a payback to do..." I say.

"But..." Ginny says. "No buts. So, any questions?" I ask.

No one says nothing.

"Good, let's go." I say and we all get up.

"Ron, could you go get the cloack? I want to talk with (Y/n)." Harry asks. "Sure mate." Ron says and leaves. Ginny walks after him.

"What is it Harry?" I ask.

"Before we go...promise that you will be careful. That woman is dangerous and I don't want to lose you..." Harry says.

"I promise. Be careful too." I say.

"I will." Harry says and kisses me.

We leave the libary. Ron is already waiting for us at the main entrance with Ginny. We walk outside to the Whomping Willow. Harry levitates a rock near the knot on the tree's trunk and pokes it.

The tree paralyses and we go in the tunnel.

"Ginny, Harry, put the cloack on now. I'm coming right behind you with Ron. Don't make any sounds. Give us a sign when the tunnel is clear." I say.

"We will." Harry says.

"Good luck, be careful. Make some noise if you need help." Ron says.

Then Ginny and Harry put the cloack on and leave.

I wait a small moment with Ron before we start to sneak after Harry and Ginny.

We sneak for a long time without any problems. Suddenly Ron stops.

"(Y/n)...listen." Ron whispers.

I stop walking.

I hear how someone screams. The sound is very quiet, but it's not hard to guess who it is.


"Ron...even you will hear how she screams, you must not do anything too fast or without asking me first, okay? I know you love her, but if you do something inconsiderated...she can die." I whisper.

"I'm trying." Ron whispers.

We start to sneak again. We sneak an eternity, before Ron notices something.

"(Y/n), look at the ground." Ron whispers.

There is a small peace of paper with a message on it. I pick up the paper and read it in my mind.

Stop here and wait for a quiet whistle. Then you can come. If you don't hear it pretty soon after you readed this, we're in trouble.


"Okay, we need to wait for a quiet whistle." I whisper to Ron. "Alright, lets wait." Ron whispers.

After a short moment we hear a quiet whistle.

"That's the sign. Let's go." I say and we sneak forwards.

"Look, there's the house's entrance." Ron says and pointd fowards.

I see an open door. Harry and Ginny are standing next to it. I and Ron walk to them.

"That was almost too easy...only one deatheater." Ginny says and nods sideaways towards petrified deatheater, who lays on the ground.

"Guys...this can be a trap." I whisper.

"Hermione might be up there with Bellatrix, but if we got ourselves in here this easy...something worse is waiting for us in there." I say and look inside the house.

"You're right. They wanted us to come here..." Harry says.

"...and they will get what they wanted."

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