Meeting gamekeeper, Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts

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I'm sitting next to Ron's bed. Hermione sits next to me and holds Ron's hand. Ginny sits opposite me.

"Should someone go tell to Harry?" Ginny asks. "I'll go." I say and leave.

While I'm walking towards the Gryffindor's common room, I'm feeling guilty. It's kinda my foult that Ron is at the hospital now, because I made Malfoy angry and that's why he shot. But it's also Goyle's foult, he pucked Malfoy so he aimed wrong.

When I arrive to the common room, Harry isn't there. Where could he be? I see Seamus sitting on the sofa. Maybe he knows.

"Hey Seamus, have you seen Harry this morning?" I ask.

"I saw him leaving the common room. When I asked where he was going, he said that he's going to meet Hagrid." Seamus tells.

"Who is Hagrid?" I ask. I have never heard of him before. "He is the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwards. He lives in a small hut nearby the Dark Forest." Seamus tells. "Okay, thanks Seamus." I say and leave.

It's raining outside when I'm walking to Hagrid's cottage. When I see Hagrid's hut, I start to feel nervous. It's propably because last time when I properly talked to Harry, we argued and I almost killed myself. Hopefully Harry isn't angry.

I knock to the hut's door. The door opens and I see a huge man with a dark beard standing in front of me.

"Excuse me, is Harry here?" I ask. "Yeh, he is here. Come in." the man says and lets me in.

Harry is sitting on a wooden chair, drinking something from a small cup. When he sees me, he puts his cup on a table and looks at me.

"By the way, who are you? I'm Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwards." the man tells. "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). I changed from another school to Hogwards for one year." I tell.

"Well, nice to meet you, (Y/n). Would you like to have a cup of tea?" Hagrid asks. "Sure." I answer and sit on a chair next to Harry.

"Harry...Ron has been taken to hospital." I say. "What happend?" Harry asks. "Malfoy got mad at me and he tried to shoot me with a curse, but Goyle pucked his arm by a mistake and the curse hitted Ron." I explain.

"Wait untill I get Malfoy on my hands..." Harry says and sounds pretty angry. "Calm down Harry. Ron is going to be fine, or that's what madam Pomfrey said." I say.

"God dammit with that Malfoy's boy. Why he always causes troble? By the way, here's your tea, (Y/n). It's camomille flavour." Hagrid says. "Thanks Hagrid." I say and take the cup.

The cup feels lovely warm against my cold hands. I drink the tea quickly and put the cup down.

"So, do you want to go see Ron?" I ask from Harry. "Maybe I should." Harry says. We get up and thank Hagrid for the tea and then we leave.

"You look shy when you try to speak to me. Why?" I ask from Harry. "What do you mean?" Harry asks. "When you tried to talk to me today, you looked like you would be scared to do it." I say.

"I'm not scared to talk to you. You are just a human." Harry says. "Seriously? I thought that I'm a suicidal monster." I say.

"Why? You aren't a monster and you're not a suicidal person." Harry says.

I laugh a bit.

"Tell me what is a person, who tries to kill itself and is mad to it's friends, if it's not a suicidal monster." I say. "I don't know, but that what happend between us all doesn't make you a monster or a suicidal person." Harry says. Then we just walk to the hospital.

At the hospital I and Harry run to Ron's bed. Ginny and Hermione are just sitting silent.

"Is he fine?" Harry asks. "Madam Pomfrey said that he will be fine, but right now he isn't." Hermione says. "How about Malfoy?" Harry asks. "Professor McGonagall did let professor Snape to take care of him, so he propably just gets few hours of detention." Ginny says. "That's unfair." I say.

"But still Malfoy complains that he doesen't deserve any kind of penalty, even he would kill someone in the middle of the day." Hermione says.

"If Malfoy gets just a couple of hours of detention, I'll show him what does he deserve!" Harry almost shouts. "Calm down Harry, it isn't your concern to punish Malfoy even he hurted Ron." Ginny says. "You're right." Harry says.

Then professor McGonagall walks in the hospital.

"Ms. Weasley, Granger and (L/n), professor Dumbledore is waiting you in his office. He wants to hear what happend. Mr. Potter can stay here." professor says. I get up and so do Ginny and Hermione.

Professor McGonagall leads us to headmaster's tower. She stops in front of a big gargoyle.

"Why did we stop here?" I ask. "This is the entrance to professor Dumbledore's office." Hermione says. Then Hermione goes to the gargoyle and Ginny follows her.

"Aren't you going to come?" Ginny asks. I walk to them. "I don't know how does this thing work." I say. "Oh, I thought you came here when you were sorted." Ginny says. "No, I was sorted in professor McGonagall's office." I say.

Then professor McGonagall mumbles something and the gargoyle starts spinning slowly and rising. Then I see that I'm standing on a staircase.

This is propably the weirdest way to go to headmaster's office.

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