Chains around a tree

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3rd person P.O.V

Ron had to stay at the hospital wing for several days. Malfoy's curse made a lot of damage. Now it's about one month since Ron got out of the hospital. You have promised to Hermione and Ginny to go to Hogsmead tomorrow. It's going to be so much fun...or will it be a nightmare?

Your P.O.V

I'm laying on my bed. It's midnight and I should be asleep, but I just can't sleep. I don't know why. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday, so I can sleep a bit longer. But I can't sleep pretty long. I promised to go to Hogsmead with Hermione and Ginny. Damn! But when I'm thinking, how fun tomorrow will be, I fall slowly asleep.

"(Y/n) wake up!" I hear someone trying to wake me up. I slightly open my eyes. Hermione is standing next to my bed. "C'mon (Y/n), we're going to Hogsmead, remember?" Hermione says.

"Mhmm..." I mumble. I'm so tired, because last night I slept maybe 5 hours. "I'll wait you at the common room." Hermione says and leaves.

I decide to get up. I put on deep blue jeans and a white hoodie. I walk to the common room, where Hermione is waiting for me.

"Where is Ginny?" I ask. "I don't know. Maybe she forgot this..." Hermione says.

At that moment Ginny comes. "Sorry if I'm late." Ginny says. "No you're not late." I say. Then we go to get some breakfast.

After the breakfast we go get our jackets and some money. Then we go outside.

Sun is shining and snow is covering the ground. Such as a perfect day to be with friends.

"How long time does this take?" I ask. I feel like we would have walked an eternity. "Not so long anymore." Ginny says. "By the way, you didn't tell me what kind of place Hogsmead is. If you anyhow could tell me even one thing about it or is it a huge secret?" I ask. "Oh we neeeeever can tell what there is. It's a huge secret." Ginny says sarcastically. We all laugh.

"Well, there is a lovely candy shop called Honeyduckes, a bar named Three Broomsticks where you get the best butterbeer of all world and everything else fun." Hermione tells. "I can't wait for Honeyduckes, you know I'm a candy monster." I say. "Hermione is a liqourice wand monster." Ginny says. "You are a butterbeer monster." Hermione says. We all laugh again.

"What did you just call me Ms. Liqourice wand monster?" Ginny asks while she laughs. "Well I called you butterbeer monster." Hermione says while she laughs loud. "

Well, let me show you what happens if you mess with Ginny Weasley." Ginny says and takes some snow. She makes a snowball and throws it at Hermione.

The snowball hits Hermione. "Do you challenge me to a snowfight? Alright, here's my sweet revenge!" Hermione says and makes a snowball and throws it at Ginny.

The snowball hits Ginny's shoulder. They start a snowfight and laugh all the time. All of sudden Ginny throws a snowball at me. It hits me straight to my face.

"You don't know how big mistake you just did!" I shout while I laugh and swipe the snow off my face. Then I make a snowball and throw it at Ginny. And it hits just where I wanted. Straight to the face.

Ginny wipes the snow off her face and laughs. Then Hermione throws a snowball at me. I manage to dodge the snowball. Then I throw a snowball towards Hermione. She has turned her back to me and the snowball hits her neck.

Hermione screams sharply, propably because the snowball hit her suprisingly and the snow went under her shirt. I laugh. "That wasn't funny (Y/n)!" Hermione shouts. She shakes herself and starts to walk, or actually march towards Hogsmead. I and Ginny run after her.

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