Snape's potions

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After spells lesson I'm walking to potions class. Worst thing in that lesson is, that Slytherins are in the same lesson. Ron told me in previous lesson, that Snape isn't very nice, specially to Gryffindor students. While I am walking to the class, Malfoy comes walking next to me.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I ask from him. "Nothing, just thinking that you would maybe like to know about our teacher." Malfoy says. "I can figure it out myself, what kind of teacher he is. You know, I can do some things on my own." I say to Malfoy and smirk to him.

"You dare to say no to my help?" Malfoy asks apalled. "I think I dare to do that." I say and smirk. "
Has little Draco always got what he wants? This time you won't." I say.

I want to make him annoyed just to let him know that I don't like him...and of course to have some fun.

"You little.." he says clearly annoyed and raises his hand to slap me in my face. Just on that moment professor Snape arrives.

"And what might you be doing, Draco?" Snape asks. "Nothing, professor, I was just stretching my hand." Malfoy says quickly.

"Well, you have stretched very hard then, because your face is quite red." Snape says and opens the class door. I giggle quietly and see Harry, Ron and Hermione arriving to the class.

I walk into the class and Harry comes next to me. Draco comes to another side of me. He glances me with annoyed look. "Today I will teach you how to make Felix Felicis. Does someone know what it is also called?" Snape asks. Hermione and I rise our hands.

"Let's see what does Ms. (L/n) answer." Snape says.

"It's called liquid luck, sir." I answer. "Well, you are correct. Everyone open page 328 from your books." Snape says with a little creepy sound in his voice.
He always has it while he speaks.

We open our books and Snape tells us step by step how to make the potion. When he finishes talking, we start making our potions.

Just in few minutes we hear a sound of explotion and see a bright light flash. Seamus has exploded his potion. We all laugh silent.

"Mr. Finnigan, clear this mess right on this second! And 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor." Snape shouts. We stop laughing and get back to work.

"Why he did take points from us? That isn't even a reason! And how did Seamus manage to do that? There should be nothing exploding in the potions ingredients." I ask amazed from Harry.

"Seamus has always done that. It's not pretty amazing that he explodes something. And as you know, Snape doesn't like Gryffindor. Actually he hates our house." Harry says and smiles.

I look at Hermione when she rises her hand to show that she's ready. Snape walks to her and watches at her potion.

"Over here we have first ready Felix Felicis, witch is fine looking and not exploded." Snape says and watches at Seamus. Seamus blushes a bit and turns his face to floor.

I rise my hand next. Snape walks to me.

"Well, Ms. (L/n), you have made a not exploded and also fine looking Felix Felicis." Snape says and I can hear from his voice, that he doesen't want to say that.

"I can see, that this isn't your first time when you make this potion, am I right?" Snape asks slowly. "Yes, you are right sir. I made this potion last year." I answer and watch at him.

He stares into my eyes for a while and then steps next to Draco, who has rose his hand.

"Now here is a perfect Felix Felicis. 5 points for Slytherin." Snape says. Draco smirks to me and he clearly enjoys it.

Snape really hates Gryffindor...

The lesson ends and I go to the next class. Rest of the day goes quicker that I could imagine. At the end of the day, when I'm walking away from the libary where I did my homework with Hermione, Harry and Ron, I hear someone talking. I haven't heard that voice before...or have I?

I go at the corner of the hallway where the voice comes from and listen to the conversation.

"So this potion is the same what I drunk today? Does it let me come inside of the school area and the protection spells aren't able to harm me at all, as the potion you gave me earlyer does?" asks a voice of a woman. "Yes, that is exacly the same potion, but remember that it works only for 15 minutes." says a voice, witch I can regonize.

It belongs to professor Snape.

"You must go now. Are you absolutely sure about what you are going to do and that I won't get caught about all of this?" Snape asks quietly. "Yes, I'm sure. Don't you trust me, Snape?" asks the voice of a woman. "I do trust you, but as I said, you must go now." Snape says. "Okay, I go then." says the voice of a woman.


Snape walks away. What was he talking about? Who was he talking to? I must tell about this to the others. Then I walk to Gryffindor's common room, where Hermione is sitting alone.

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