Dancing and drama

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The weeks before the dances go very fast. On every day I and Hermione talk about the dances. Faster than I can say 'magic', it's the evening before the dances.

"So, has someone asked you to the dances? You haven't told that." Hermione asks. I stare at the fire in fireplace while I sit next to Hermione.

"No." I answer.

"Are you kidding me? You are maybe the most beautiful girl in this school!" Hermione says loud.
"That doesn't matter! People just...don't like me so much." I say to her as loud as she did say to me.

"I feel bad for you." Hermione says, this time pretty quietly. "You shouldn't. You should be happy, that you are going there." I say.

"Actually I'm not sure. No one hasn't ask me yet." Hermione says.

At that moment Harry and Ron come in to the common room. Ron sits next to Hermione and Harry sits next to me. Ron looks nervous. I have no idea why. He blushes when he watches at Hermione.

"Hermione, c-can I ask y-you something?" Ron asks. "Sure." Hermione answers and looks at Ron. "Would you like to...go to the dances with me?" Ron asks and looks only more nervous.

"Of course I would Ron!" Hermione answers and she looks happy. "Well then I can't wait for tomorrow." Ron says and looks releaved. "You aren't the only one." Hermione answers.

"You are my little dancer." Ron says softly and kisses Hermione. Hermione kisses him back. Their kiss is long and full of love.

When they end the kiss, they start to talk about what they are going to wear for the dances. They have totally forgotten everything around them. I can see it, because they are only talking to each other and they both look each other deep in the eyes.

"Are you going to the dances (Y/n)?" Harry asks. "No, I'm not. Are you?" I ask. "Yes, I'm going with Ginny." Harry answers and stares at the fire like I do.

"Who is she?" I ask. "Ginny is Ron's sister. She's one year younger than we are." Harry says and sounds dreamy.

"If I can ask, are you..together like Ron and Hermione?" I ask. "Well...I don't know. We aren't so serious but we still like each other.." Harry says.

I keep staring quietly at the fire while the others talk about the dances. It seems like they won't even know that I'm here.

When they end their long conversation, they just leave. They don't even say that they leave.

Why did they just be silent? Are they so excited about the dances or was that something else? Well, actually I couldn't care much less about it. I have been a loner almost my whole life.

Does anyone exept my family truely care about me?

~The next evening~

I'm sitting at the libary doing my homeworks. Almost all of 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade students are at the dances. There's some first, second and third class students doing their homeworks and reading books.

When I'm done, I pack my books and walk to the common room. I take my bag to the bedroom and take one of my favourite books. I go back to the common room, sit on the sofa and start reading.

This is propably the first time, when I have some of my own time since I came to Hogwarts. I read a long time in a lovely silence, but as you know, perfect moments don't last long.

I hear how someone comes in the common room. I close the book and watch at the entrance.

"Good evening, Ms. (L/n)." professor McGonagall says. "Good evening for you too professor." I answer.

"Why aren't you at the dances?" professor asks and looks suprised. "Well, no one asked me and I actually don't care about dancing so much." I explain.

"If you let me say, I didn't actually expect to see you at the dances. You don't look that sort of person, or then you hide that side of you very well." professor says. "You were right with that expectation, professor." I answer bit quiet.

"Well, how has your first month been? Have you got friends?" professor asks. "It has been a very nice month. And it's an honor for me to study here. I have got also very good...friends." I tell.

The word "friends" is somehow a hard word to say.

Really I have got friends, but I don't know are they my friends after all...

"That is very nice to hear. Do you have any questions?" professor asks from me. "No, professor." I say. "Well if you don't have any questions, I'll leave. Have a nice evening." professor says and leaves.

Later the younger students start to come in the common room. Then some of the students who were at the dances started to come. I wonder when Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny might come. I just want to know are they my friends anymore.

I wait about half an hour before they come back. When they come, I stand up. But still Harry, Ron and Hermione just walk past me. Ginny gives a kiss on Harry's cheek and sits down. Then Harry walks upstairs to boys bedroom.


Have they forgotten me?

I sit down on the sofa. I'm feeling amazed. What on Earth is this? My friends aren't talking to me! I try to think have I done something witch could make them angry to me, but I don't come up with any single thing.

I bury my face into my hands. I feel so bad right now. I thought that I finally had found real friends.

But it seems that I didn't.

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