What the bloody hell was that?

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"Aaaaaaagh they're gonna get us!" Ron shouted in panic. "Calm down Ron!" Harry says peacefully. "It's of course serious thing, that deatheaters attack but you are overreacting." Hermione says.

Then we hear a sound like someone would be drawing on the window with a dagger. Then a text appear on the window. "What does it say?" Harry asks.

"Your life is turning into living hell..soon..." I read outloud. "

"Gosh..it's written with blood!" Ron says loudly. "What does that mean? Who's life is turning into hell?" I ask amazement.

"We all propably should look after each other." Hermione says.
Rest of the journey we sit quietly and look at the text. Soon we arrive to Hogwarts. We try to get out of train as quick as possible, because no one wants to see that creepy text again.

We get on carriages witch take us to the school. It's more amazing that I thought.

When we get in the castle, I see professor McGonagall beckoning to me. I go after her and we arrive to a little room, propably her office.

"Good, you have arrived just in time. Now we are going to see, witch house you will be in this year." McGonagall says. "Relax and sit on the chair please." she says and takes an old looking hat.
"W-what is that?" I ask. "This is a very special hat. It can tell what house you belong to." McGonagall explains.

I sit on the chair and professor puts the hat on my head.

"Hmm..interesting..smart, friendly, brave and leading person. I don't know at all where to put you..maybe Slytherin? Maybe Rawenclaw? Maybe Hufflepuff? Maybe Gryffindor? You could go to anywhere of these houses..but I give you a RARE oppoturnity. You can choose where you belong. But there's one thing: You must promise to tell that I putted you in that house you choose. So..what is your choise?" the hat asks.

"I'll choose...Gryffindor." I say in my mind.

"Hopefully you will show being worth of your choise...GRYFFINDOR!" hat shouts outloud.

"Congratsulations, you are now officially a Gryffindor." professor McGonagall says and smiles.

Professor tells me where is the entrance to our common room and then she lets me go to the Great Hall to join my friends. When I arrive to the Hall, I see Hermione sitting at Gryffindor's table between Harry and Ron.

"Hey (Y/n), where were you?" Harry asks. "I was with professor McGonagall. I got to know what house do I belong in for this year." I answer with smile.

"Come on, tell us where did the hat put you?" Hermione asks. "Hat put me into Slytherin..." I say, because I want to prank them a bit.

"Oh..that's quite sad that we're not in the same house." Ron sights.

"Ron, do you really think that I'm a Slytherin? I was just kidding! We're in same house! I'm Gryffindor!" I say loud.

Then Harry, Ron and Hermione start laughing and so do I. They stand up and we do a grouphug. Now I know at least that I chose the right house.

This will be a great year!

Magic, tears and blood (Harry Potter X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now