Chapter 102- What he Wanted

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"She's too unpredictable." Rick said, staring at Michonne.

"We can't bring her back." Glenn added.

"She can't go on her own. She won't make it." Maggie said quietly.

"She's too unpredictable." Rick repeated.

"At least bring her back, let my dad patch her up." Maggie asked.

"We don't know er', but Merle. Merle's blood." Daryl cut in.

"Your blood, not mine! My family's here and back at the prison." Glenn argued.

"And you're a part of that family Daryl, he's not." Rick said, telling Daryl what we already knew.

I gripped Daryl's hand tightly, I stayed quiet through this discussion. I didn't care what happened to Michonne, she left us in Woodbury and Rick was right she was too unpredictable.

I couldn't let Daryl not have Merle. That would be like telling me not to be with Tayler.

Merle groaned from behind, telling us he had waken up from his 'nap'. "Man I dunno.." Daryl muttered as he released my hand.

"Fine, we can fend for ourselves." Daryl mumbled.

"That's not what I was saying." Glenn started.

"No him, no me." Daryl replied.

"Daryl you don't have to do that." I whispered, upset of the possible outcome.

Daryl shifted his balance on his feet back and fourth, probably making one of the most tough decisions he's ever had to make.

"It was always Merle and I before all this." Daryl mumbled.

"Daryl..." I whispered, trying to figure out what he was deciding.

"Are you serious?! You're just gonna leave like this?" Glenn asked, anger edging into his voice.

"You'd do the same thing." Daryl muttered, he grabbed my arm and we started to walk away.

"Daryl what are you doing?" I whispered as we stalked towards Merle.

"We're gonna look for Tayler. We're gonna get goin'. We don't need em'." Daryl whispered.

I shook my head and cupped his stubbly cheek. "But Taylers in the Prison." I mumbled.

Daryl shook his head and I furrowed my brow in confusion. "We'll show ya, come on." Daryl mumbled.

I looked at Rick and then to Merle. "Can I have a second?" I asked, keeping my temper cool.

He nodded and I ran to Rick quickly. "Listen, I need to go with him. I will convince him that we need to go back, I'll find some way to let you know soon." I whispered before giving him a hug.

I waved goodbye to Glenn and Maggie and Daryl slung an arm over my shoulder.

Glenn and Maggie shouted Daryl and my name, trying to convince us to stay.

"Daryl.. Please! There's gotta be another way!" Rick shouted from behind. Daryl stopped in his tracks and spun around.

"Don't ask me to leave em' I already did that once." Daryl mumbled. He spun back around and I intertwined fingers with him.

We stepped towards Merle, who was wearing a genuine smile. Maybe it was because he got what he wanted, his little brother.

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