Chapter 56- Knife Throwing

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"We know about the barn." Rick announced. Hershel stopped eating his lunch and put the bible he was reading down.

"We'd like to talk about it." I commented, letting Hershel know I was here.

Hershel stood up and turned around to face us. "I need you and your group gone by the end of the week." Hershel ordered.

I started to plead with the old man. "Hershel please-" "

I've given you safe harbor, my conscience is clear." Hershel interrupted.

A silent tear slipped down my face, "Hershel, please! You can't send us out there, its a death wish!" I begged.

Hershel remained silent, staring coldly at us with his arms crossed. "Lori's pregnant, if you send us out there the baby will die." Rick reasoned more calmly than I.

I couldn't take this anymore, I needed to leave and find somewhere to relax. I nodded good bye and left without any further conversation. I slammed the front door shut behind me and wiped away the tears. I heard Rick's light foot steps coming up behind me.

"We'll get Hershel to let us stay, he has to." Rick reassured. I shook my head and looked at the camp.

"He doesn't want us here Rick, I don't know why or what we may have done to put him off!" I said sadly.

Rick sighed and I looked at him. He rubbed his forehead with his hand and stared off in the distance.

"We'll convince him, Hershel's a kind man." Rick tried to convince me. I shook my head and looked at the ground.

"Rick, what are we going to do?" I asked him quietly. He patted my shoulder and I looked up at him.

"Everything will be alright Mariah, you don't need to worry." Rick tried to comfort me.

"But Rick, I can't help but worry. What if Hershel doesn't let us stay?" I asked him sadly.

"Let's not worry about that, we have better things to worry about." He said glancing at the barn.

Andrea stood in front of it, a rifle in hand. I sighed and looked back to camp, Ryan strolled towards us quickly.

Great, I thought to myself. He stopped a little while in front of us waiting for us to talk to him.

We stopped walking in front of him and I put my hands on my hips, waiting for Ryan to speak.

"What did Hershel say?" Ryan asked us curiously. I looked at Rick waiting to hear what he would say.

"Hershel didn't really say anything, he just waved us off." He said solemnly. So he lied to Ryan, he doesn't trust him.

"I'm going to go find Tayler and Jason, I'll see you guys later." I said quickly. Rick nodded and I left quickly walking towards camp.

After a few moments of looking, I heard the familiar sound of Jason and Tayler fighting.

I walked over silently and leaned against a tree, watching them. Tayler had a knife in her hand, a black dot on a tree across from them.

Tayler threw it with perfect poise, her arm snapping forward, the knife splitting through the air and hitting the black dot right in the center.

"HA! Beat that Jay!" She shouted at Jason. Jason scowled and walked over to the tree, he yanked the knife out of the tree and bumped Tayler to the side.

"Watch and learn little sis, you'll never be as good as this." He said arrogantly. He stood facing the target in perfect form, exactly like Tayler.

He yanked his arm forward, sending the knife through the air and making a cracking sound as it hit directly where Tayler hit.

He smiled triumphantly and took a little bow. I giggled as Tayler yanked the knife out of the tree, her anger showing.

"I'd like to see you do better." Tayler commented, still staring at the tree. I froze and waited for her to say something else, was she talking to me.

"Ya Mariah, bet you couldn't even hit the tree." Jason shouted playfully. I scowled and walked towards them, snatching the knife from Taylers hands.

"How'd you know I was there anyways?" I asked curiously, lining myself up with the tree.

"Your louder than an elephant charging." Tayler said gently elbowing me. I scowled and focused in on the black dot.

I pulled my arm back and prepared to step forward. I took a deep breath and snapped my arm forward and released the knife, hitting the tree just below the black dot.

I frowned with disappointment, Jason and Tayler howled with laughter as I pulled the knife out.

"Oh please, I'm better at combat then you two ever will." I yelled at them. Jason rolled his eyes and plucked the knife from my hand.

"Well at least I can use a bow." I said mockingly to Tayler. She scowled and pointed her bayonet at me.

"Watch it Mer, I'm not afraid to use this!" She exclaimed. I giggled and swatted her bayonet away.

"I'd like to see you try." I mocked. She rolled her eyes and played with the bayonet.

"Bet I can hit it with my eyes closed!" Jason yelled at us. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Jay, we all know you can't do that." I said raising my eyebrow at him. He smirked and turned to the tree.

"Blind fold me." He said impatiently. I shrugged and yanked a piece of cloth hanging on the tent.

I laughed and tossed it to Tayler and she wrapped it around Jason's head. Jason took a deep breath and whipped the knife forward, hitting just above the dot.

I clapped slowly and he took a bow, his blind fold still on. I giggled as Tayler waved her hand in front of him to check if he could see out.

When he didn't flinch Tayler grunted from frustration and yanked the blindfold off his head.

He blinked for a minute, trying to adjust his eyes to the bright light. "THAT'S NOT YOUR DECISION TO MAKE!" Lori screamed.

I looked at Tayler and she shrugged. Jason motioned for us to follow him. We walked out of the camp to see Ryan handing weapons out to everyone.

"What the hell is going on?" Jason yelled at Ryan.

"Doing what we should have done a while ago." Ryan yelled.

"And whats that?" Tayler asked curiously. "Not only are we going to stay, but were going to get rid of all the walkers in the barn." Ryan said as he started to walk towards the barn.

I ran and stood in front of him "Ryan don't you dare, this isn't your choice." I demanded.

"Who's going to make me stop? You?" He mocked.

"Ya I'll make you." I yelled.

"Oh really?" He asked.

I nodded and stood my ground, I didn't even see the first punch coming.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now