Chapter 63- Left Of Her

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We rode out of Daryl's small town, towards the farm. We passed by walkers, they decided to try and make us their dinner. I clutched Daryl close and the walkers ran at us. They started to catch up but Daryl commanded the horse to go faster. We quickly passed the groups and I looked behind us. The walkers were charging at us, but were falling behind quickly. We galloped along the road at a fast pace since it was starting to get dark. We rode for a good hour, my butt started to go numb from sitting in the same position on the horse. We were getting close to the farm, we were probably only ten minutes away. Daryl's crossbow and my sword bounced off my back as the horse sped up.

Daryl turned his head and shouted at me since the horse hoofs were rather loud. "Ma ass hurts, so I'm speeding er up!" Daryl shouted.

I laughed and squeezed his waist signalling that I understood. I bent down a little bit and pulled Daryl's photo out from my sock. I smiled at the picture and thought about where to put it. Hopefully the farm would have something to keep the picture in.

I tucked the picture into my pocket as we turned to go up the drive way. "Hold on!" Daryl shouted as he made the horse go full speed.

I squeezed Daryl, horrified of falling off the horse. I could see the gate we were about to jump and I shut my eyes. We leaped through the air, my heart skipping beats. Then we were on the ground again, the horse slowing down to a trot.

"You wanna let me breath now?" Daryl gasped as I continued to squeeze the life out of him.

I quickly loosened my grip and we rode up to the stables. Daryl hopped off and helped me off the horse.

I stood off to the side and Daryl quickly came back out. "I wonder what they did to the kid." I said as we walked towards the white house.

I rubbed my neck and noticed something missing I froze and checked my pockets frantically.

"Whats wrong?" Daryl asked looking at my face

"My mothers amulet... It's gone!" I exclaimed, "I must have left it in the CDC!" I put my head in my hands.

"What?" He asked, clearly confused.

"My mother died when I was a little kid. It was the only thing I had left of her." I said sadly.

Daryl sighed and started to walk again. I sighed and felt my eyes starting to sting. The item I've loved for so long was gone, and I hadn't even noticed. "You go get some sleep, I'm gonna talk to Rick and Ryan. Find out what happened to that kid." Daryl said, turning towards the camp.

I nodded and walked up the steps slowly. "Whats with the sad face?" Maggie asked as I entered the house.

"I lost something very important to me." I said quietly, looking down at the ground.

"What?" She asked, sounding sad.

"My mothers amulet." I said quietly. I looked up and Maggie's eyes widened.

"Do you know where it is?" I asked nervously.

"Ya, the first night at the farm you left it in the bathroom, I put it in my bedroom." She said happily.

Relief washed over me as Maggie jumped up the steps heading to her bed room. She stomped down the stairs a minute later. Her hand was clenched around the silver amulet. She handed it to me and I slid it over my head and let it hang overtop of my black tank-top.

"Thank you so much Maggie!" I said, pulling her into a hug. She laughed and waved goodbye, disappearing into the next room.

I sighed and walked up the steps towards the bedroom. I didn't bother changing, I was so exhausted.

Thankfully as soon as I shut my eyes I was out like a light.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now