Chapter 36- Socially Awkward

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We had been on the road for a while now, maybe two weeks. We must have been farther away from our old camp then we thought. We got near the tree where we left Jim at nightfall.

I got up and hobbled out of the RV with the crutches that Jason had found for me. I walked towards Jim's tree to see nothing there.

No signs of blood, body parts, it's as if Jim was never there. I studied the tree for a moment, making sure this was truly where we left Jim.

A feeling of concern washed over me, wondering where Jim was. Whether he was wandering around as a mindless corpse or has he already been put down by some brutal stranger. It didn't matter anyways, it's not like I could track him down and cure him.

I sighed before hobbling over to Taylor and Allison, who were throwing their heads back in laugher.

"Hey Mariah." Taylor said happily.

"Hey." I said quietly.

Taylor and Allison smiled at me, as if they were two teenage girls, ecstatic that their crush had noticed them in a hallway.

I couldn't help but smile back at the pair, feeling very awkward and annoyed that they could be so happy in such a upsetting place.

"Whatcha talking about?" I asked curiously.

Taylor started to laugh again and Allison continued to grin like an idiot. "Taylor was just telling me a joke." Allison chuckled.

I nodded, not really diving into the conversation. They continued to chatter away with each other, making me feel unwanted and annoying.

After a few more minutes I walked over to Daryl, leaving the pair to speak with each other in private. He stared at me as I trudged towards him, meeting me half way so I wouldn't have to walk too far.

"We need to get to that camp, there was more game there." He said.

"I guess." I murmured. I seemed to be having trouble socializing with everyone, maybe it was from being around Ryan's obnoxious attitude.

Ever since that night in the RV, I've found it harder to speak about anything. "Whats wrong?" Daryl questioned me, snapping me out of my trance.

I looked at him in surprise. How did he know something was up? Could he tell that easily?

I frowned and looked at the ground. "I need to tell you something Daryl, you won't like it though." I said quietly.

I looked up at him, his eye's filled with anger and curiosity. "Ryan wants me back, he came to me in the RV, when my leg got hurt." I said quietly.

Daryl scowled and looked past me. I turned my head to see Ryan staring at us, glaring at Daryl. "What did you say?" He asked, cracking his knuckles.

"That I was with you, and that I hoped he would respect that." I said.

Daryl nodded. "You listen to me. He ever tries anythin', hell if he looks at ya, tell me. Understand?" He asked.

I nodded and looked up into Daryl's eyes. He continued to stare at Ryan, his eye's filling with anger and irritation.

I leaned awkwardly on my crutches and wrapped my arms around his neck and his eyes flickered down to me. He stared down at me, lust filling his eyes. I smirked and moved closer to his face. His soft lips were only a few inches from mine. I moved closer and I could feel his breath on my face. I was about to kiss him for the very first time. Butterflies danced in my stomach as he slowly moved closer, only a tiny space separating our lips.

"WALKER!" Carl screamed at the top of his lungs. I jumped back and nearly fell over.

Daryl put an arm in front of me to steady my wobbly legs and quickly went to investigate. I waited for the all clear sign so I could hobble over to the RV.

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