Chapter 40

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A/N: It's 5am and I'm still up, but oh well, here's another chapter:) 

What do you guys think of the fic so far?
And what do you guys think will happen? (I want to see how predictable my plot is)

Love you all, double updates this weekend because I'm ill, lucky for you guys aha!
If you haven't already, please check out the message I posted on my message board!

70+ votes and 20+ comments please!


*Trinity's PoV*

The evening was nice. We didn't do much, really. Shared some secrets, made some crappy jokes, gained some weight; the epitome of a girls' night in. I think that's why it was so nice. My life had been lacking in normality, and it's exactly what I needed to feel a bit better.

Louis stayed out of our way, for the most part. Every now and again, he'd pop his head in, probably to make sure that we hadn't broken anything. Thankfully, we hadn't broken anything. We'd just managed to almost entirely clean his house out of food. Oops.

He didn't seem too bothered about the whole 'cock-block'-ing situation, as he had phrased it, but I knew better than to think he had forgotten about it. I knew he would find a way to make time for it, sooner or later.

When the morning came, I woke up sprawled out on a bed. I was confused, considering I had fallen asleep on the couch in the sitting room. I lifted my head from the soft material of the pillow and rotated it so that I could make out my surroundings. My eyebrows raised as I spotted a head of fluffy brown hair lying next to me. As I looked around, it became clear that I was in Louis' room. In Louis' bed, to be more precise. He must have carried me up once I had fallen asleep downstairs.

I sat up, rubbing my head that was groggy from sleep. Reaching over, I jabbed Louis in the back of the shoulder. He moved in his sleep, his back turned to me. A groan escaped his lips and he turned over, eyes still closed, to face me. I prodded him once more, causing his eyes to flutter open. He smiled lazily before sitting upright slowly.

"Morning, beautiful," he grinned.

"What's with the affectionate nickname?" I asked, sticking my tongue out on him. I had only been joking with him, but he replied nonetheless, with an answer that I was almost certain was serious.

"Well," he replied, the familiar smirk appearing on his face, "I would have gone with 'sexy', but I figured that it's too early in the morning."

I blushed immediately, just as there was a knock at the door. Louis expression faded into one of puzzlement as his head turned towards the door.

"Come in," he called, and the wooden door opened a fraction. Eva stuck her head in the door, giving a small awkward wave. 

"Er, just to say that me and Sinéad are gonna head off now," she informed us.

I nodded and she disappeared with one last wave. However, the door never closed, as Fleur stuck her head in afterwards. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna go too," she agreed, "Wouldn't want to intrude on you two love-birds. I heard Louis' comment last night by the way, when the three of us arrived. I'm surprised he could hold his hormones at bay for the night."

She winked at me, before turning to leave. Just as the door was about to close, she turned back to me and added, "Don't forget to find out what I asked you."

I blushed as she left the room, remembering what she had asked me about Louis in the bedroom. Just as the door closed, I heard the front door slam shut, indicating that Eva and Sinéad had left the house.

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