Thearpy Chapter 47

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3 days later...





"No please stop"


Walks down hotel hallway hearing screams.

"Please dad help"

Opens hotel bedroom door.

Bed shaking


"Help me dad! Help me"


"No dad help"

"Please help"

"Help me"


Screams in pain



"Stop no!"

"Juan?" A co worker asks.

"You alright bud?"

"Yes, of course."

"Okay, can you pass me that rag next to you."

I grab the nasty old rag and hand it to my co worker.


I look around the room that has children's paintings on the walls and books as well. My therapist turns her head and studies me. I turn away and look at the children's paintings.

I look back at her hoping she looked away too.


"So what? Do I just start talking like Tory soprano."

"Boy I hope not." She chuckles.

I sit and stare.

"I'm glad you came."

"Yeah, well my parents made me come."

"Well, I'm still glad you did. I want this to be a place where you feel safe and comfortable talking about anything. I want to be helpful to you."

"You think I need help." I quickly respond.

"I think that what you've been through has been very difficult."

"Whats the big deal? Half of the girls at my school have had sex with half the football team. I have sex with him and my parents make a federal case out of it. Literally."

"I think they think that you've been in danger more than anything else."

Chuckles. "In danger? That's cause they don't know him. You know what the thing is, I bet my dad would really like him."

"What is it that your dad would like about him?"

"He's sweet, he's smart and really funny."

"Did you ever want him as anything else besides a friend?"

"Yes. And then we kept talking, he took be behind the school and kissed me. Like what's the big deal, you know? Like its me. He's not judgement, he's encouraging, and despite all I do he still loves me. And he thinks I beautiful."

"What's you think about him being you friend?"

"Jayden said that when you connect like we did, when you find that soulmate. That's the only thing to think about. Can you believe when two people are in love nothing else matters."

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