Why'd you do it? Chapter 46

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Judy's dads POV



"Hello. This is American fork hospital. Your daughter Judith is here." They say in a worried tone.

"Why? What happened to her?" I say looking at my wife.

"What happened?" My wife whisper.

I shrug looking at her.

"Your daughter... She's been raped."

I hang up the phone and look at my wife, grabbing the car keys.

"What?!" She asks holding my hand tightly.

"Get your shoes!" I point.

She puts on her shoes as I rush out of the house to the car. Unlocking it and starting it up. My wife runs out of the house into the car.


I press on the gas quickly getting out of the drive way.


"She got raped!" I yell, speeding.

Judy's POV

I'm sitting on a hospital bed with a social worker next to me.

After they put us in the cars they drove us here. They're asking Mikey and Jayden questions in different rooms, separately. As for me I'm in a testing room. I'm waiting for the doctor to come so he can check me.

After they cops found out I was raped they took me to the hospital and wanted me to get tested for any STD's.

I'm in a testing room, with my social worker. The doctor put a tiny camera inside me, it's a way they check me.

He takes it out and gives it to the nurse as she walks away with it into another room.

"Okay you can go back to your room." They Doctor said pulling me up.


The social worker and Doctor leave the room to let me change back into the hospital gown.

I open the door as the social worker takes my hand walking me back to my room.

She opens the door for me letting me walk into a silent room. I sit myself in the hospital bed and cover myself with the bedding.

Ms. Blake- which is the social workers name- takes a chair and sits beside the bed.

"Wanna talk about it?" She said glancing down at my arms.

I sigh sitting up looking at her.

"I'm sorry-" I begin to say.

"Why'd you do it?" She asked.

I chucked looking out the hospital Window.

"Love." I say looking at her. "I was so lost at the time and I just wanted someone to love me like the way I love them. Mikey was my boyfriend when Jayden was blackmailing me, and I never knew it was Jayden. All I wanted was to keep Mikey. I never meant for anyone to get hurt. Mikey soon found out, and so did people at school. Mikey stopped talking to me, and they-"

"Who's they?"

"I meant people from school..." I cover up.

She nods.

"They kept telling me I slept with him, and Jayden had a girlfriend that I never knew about. I would see Jayden at school and feel so vulnerable. I would see him and- and my heart...." I saying weak, "my heart would ace. He was my friend before anything, I was so close to him. But it's so sad how a friend like him, you can have trust issues with because he would always say I'm here for you and just leave before things get any worse."

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