City lights Chpater 25

45 3 1

Mikey's POV

It's the weekend and Judy had a rough day yesterday so I let her sleep in while I went to go shower. I reach over for my phone as I check my notifications. I have the nerve to tweet about the baby on Twitter just to let my fans know what's been going on, but at the same time I don't want them to spread hate on Judy. I tweeted
I have some news for you guys! My girlfriend and I are having a baby!💘👶🏽
I exited out of Twitter and set my phone back down, slowly and quietly getting out of the bed to shower. I get up getting a towel from my door rack as I pull my shirt off. I hear Judy move as she says my name.

"Mikey where are you going?" She said with morning voice.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower." I say untying my shorts.

"Can I shower with you." She said getting up.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Please." She aid wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Okay. Get undressed."


She pulled off the shirt dropping it on the bed. She looked at me smiling, then looked away. I pull off my shorts setting them on my chair. She asked my to unbutton her bra, which I did with pleasure. She slowly took the straps off turning around, bending over for the towel. She wrapped it around her body, putting her hands under slipping off her underwear. I pull off my boxers throwing them in my dirty laundry pile. I grab the towel wrapping it around my waist.

"Ready." I ask her.


"Okay come on." I grab her hand as we walk to the bathroom.

Opening the door letting her walk in first, closing the door behind me. She was facing the shower unwrapping the towel off her. I bite my lip as I watch her do it. She opens the curtain putting her foot inside, with the rest of her body. I pull the towel off of me as I walk in behind her. I start the shower letting warm water hit our skin. She stands there as the water hits her back, turning around facing me she kisses my chest. I look down at her as she looks up at me with her big brown eyes. I grab her chin leaning in to kiss her. Her soft tongue brushed against my lip asking for entrance, which I accepted. Our tongues fight for dominance. She pulls away bitting my lip looking up at me. I look down into her big brown eyes. I spin her around hugging her waist, kissing her neck. She moans a little having a hard grip on my arms. I move my kisses down to her collarbone. She turns around locking her hands into mine, kissing the back of my hand, looking up into my eyes.

"Babe we should see the lights up in salt lake?" She said.

"What kind of lights?"

"Well every year they put up winter lights, and they have people go and see them. And I was wondering if you wanted to go see them with me?"

"Okay. But we don't have any coats for you."

"It's okay I'm calling Johan to bring a couple of my things here. If that's okay?"

"Yeah it's fine. But are you sure? I don't want the baby and you to get cold?"

"I'll be fine babe. I'm protecting this baby with my life." She said rubbing her stomach.

"So am I, well what time do you want to leave?"

"It's better to see them at dark so I say 9:00pm?"

"Okay. Let's just get your things first." I say closing up the water.

"Okay." She said kissing my cheek.

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