Coming back Chapter 34

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Judy's POV

"Babe...Babe wake up." Mikey said softly shacking my arm.

"Mm." I say in a moody tone.

"We need to go to school."


"Come on, get up." Mikey said pulling me up.

I sit up with my hair all over the place and my eyes feel baggy. Rubbing my eyes so I can see clearly, see Mikey shirtless in front of me.

"Has anyone said anything yet?" I ask Mikey.

"About?" He said putting the shirt over his head.

"Me... Like have they said anything bad about me?"

"No, but don't worry about that." He said pulling me off the bed.


"Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole day." He said kissing my cheek.

I stand there and smile a little feeling my cheeks turn hot.

Mikey walks over to his dresser pulling out a huge flannel handing it to me.

"Here. I think this might fit you as a dress so..."

I giggle and grab the flannel. "It's fine, I love flannels anyway."

I take my shirt off leaving my bra and underwear on, putting the flannel over my head.

"Here let me." Mikey said buttoning up the flannel, with a smirk on his lips.

I look at him and just blush. Once he was finished buttoning my 'dress' he gave me socks to borrow. Throwing them to me.

"Here." He said tossing not the socks to me.

"Thanks." I say sitting on the bed, putting them on.

I grab my black converse putting them on. I let down my hair looking a bit wavy. I look in the mirror and see if I look 'okay'.

"Babe I feel like people can see me through this shirt." I say turning to him.

"No they won't. You look beautiful." He said holding my hands.

"Yeah okay." I say blushing.

"Honestly you do." He said spinning be around hugging me from behind.

I didn't say anything but blush a lot.


Mikey made a sandwich for him and me, eating it before we leave.

He grabs his binder and keys walking out the back door. I walk behind him to his car, driving off to school.

On the way I did my makeup. Nothing to bright, but just some mascara, concealer, powder, and I filled in my eyebrows but not to much. By the time I was done Mikey had already parked the car.

"Ready?" He asked.


"Okay let's go."

We get out of the car and walk into the school. Walking down the science hall, Mikey saw one of his friends, they talked for a little and I just stood to the side.

"Hey Mikey wassup." Anthony said.

"Eh. What class you got."

"History." Anthony said rolling his eyes.

"You got spence huh."

"Dude he's so fucking boring!"

"For real man."

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