Victoria's Secret Chapter 15

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Judy's POV

I was in keyboarding for free time at school. I was requested to go to that class so I didn't do anything in the short 25 mins I was in there. Half way into the class, Mikey sent me a snap chat. I tried to be sneaky so the teacher wouldn't see me, Mikey is in math I pretty sure.
I opened the snap chat he sent me, it was a black picture with the time 11:11, he captioned it, my queen💘 Judy Ilyb 😘
I checked his story as well, he also put it on there. But the thing I'm afraid about is about his fans. What will they say? Will they be mad?
I just don't want to get in the way if his dream. I know he really wants to be a big Internet sensation. I want him to live his dream, but I'm afraid I'll get in the way.
The bell rings to go either to lunch or second period, it's a Bday so I get to go to lunch. Mikey walks up to me so we can go to my locker.

"So how was keyboarding?"

"Eh. Same thing just working on computers."

"You sound high?"

"I do?"


"Oh, do I look high?"

"Kinda. Your eyes are kinda red."

"Oh. Well I'm just tired so." I say giggling.

"Oh." Her said with a soft giggle

"Okay let me just put my stuff in my locker and we can go to lunch."

"Yeah okay." I he said opening his locker.

I open my locker and put my binder indie and my other binder in my back pack. I close it and wait for Mikey to be done.

"Wait Judy."


"I was thinking of you wanted to go somewhere else, besides here?"

"Like?" I say leaning against the lockers.

He leaned in so our faces were close enough to kiss "Maybe we could go to..." He moved his hand to my waist slowly moving it to my butt.

"Mikey... Thirsty boy." I say kissing him, and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Only for you baby."

"Hmm honey, keep trying" I say biting my lip.

"So where do you wanna go?"

"Let's go to the mall? I need new bras and underwear."

"Only if I pick them out?"

"Fine babe."

"You'll love them don't worry."

We got our backpacks, walked out the back doors to the field to get to Mikey's house for his car. We hear someone yelling for us, we look back and see it's the principle.


We look back and see him speed walking towards us. We run for it until Mikey's house.
The principal starts running towards us yelling. We still run until we get the the end of the field.

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