Home Chapter 32

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1 week later...

Mikey's POV

Judy hasn't been coming to school this last week. She might not be ready to come back to school after what had happened, and I understand that she needs time. I'm just missing her a ton. I mean I'm friends with her friends but I'm just really 'awkward' around them. I try to not be but I just am.

I try to text Judy every hour just to check up on her, after school I'm going over to her house. She tells me that her parents work all day and her bother & sister are at school, so basically she's alone half of the day. Her parents don't come home until 11:30pm, and her brothers always out 'working' so that leaves her to cook a small meal for her sister and herself.

The schedule today isn't that important, so I'm thinking of ditching and going over to Judy's place. Besides she might need the company.

The bell rings meaning it's time for 3rd period. I walk down to my locker get my binder and backpack, walking out the back doors of the school. Walking up the hill turning the corner, walking straight to Judy's.

I texted her 10 minutes away from her house, if she wanted to get ready or something.

Me: Hey are you home?

Princess👑💜: Yeah why?

Me: I left school. I'm coming over, I'm like 10 minutes away.

Princess👑💜: Okay I'll leave the back door open. I'll be in my room, okay.

Me: Are you feeling okay? You don't seem yourself?

Princess👑💜: No I'm fine, just tired. I just barley woke up😂

Me: Are you positive?

Princess👑💜: Yeah I'm sure.

Me: Okay. I'm right around the corner😘

Princess👑💜: Okay😘

Me: Okay I'm here.

Princess👑💜: The back doors open😛

Me: Okay.

She only read it but didn't reply. I walk behind her house, to the back door. Slowly turning the knob, opening the door wide enough for me to walk in. I close the door locking it behind me, walking forward yelling her name.


I wait a while until I hear a weak voice.

"I'm in here." She half yelled.

I walk down the hall turning into her bedroom. Seeing her sitting on the bed, in a big sweatshirt and sweatpants, with fuzzy socks. Her eyes are red and Buffy. I walk in closing the door leaving a small crack, sitting next to her on the bed.

"Hey Princess." I say hugging her.

She had a small giggle.

"How are you holding up?"

"Okay I guess." She's said weak.

"Did you do weed before I came over?" I ask.

She looks at me smiling.


"How much?"

"Whole bag."

I sigh looking back at her.

"Wanna do another with me?"

"Of course." She said with a half smile.

She gets up walking to her closet taking out another bag of weed. She takes out her pipe, crumbling up the weed dropping it into the pipe. She pulls out her lighter, lighting the weed. She's takes a big puff, not blowing it out but letting it escape her mouth. She blows out that last part, slowly opening her eyes looking the ceiling.

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