I was gonna tell you Chapter 38

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Judy's POV

One month later...

Jayden passes me a note looking at me with a glare. I take the note from his hands, putting it on my lap hiding it from the teacher. I try to secretly open it reading what it says.

I read it and it says, hey I'm sorry about the kiss, and about me saying you'll be my girlfriend. But I want to make it up to you. Can you give me another chance?

I put my head up sucking on my teeth. I open my binder pretending to write notes down, when I'm actually writing back on the paper Jayden had gave me.

I understand your sorry but I can't do that. I don't fuck with fuckboys.

I fold it up into a small paper again, giving it back to Jayden.

He opens it and reads it. He looks up looking at me licking his lips raising an eyebrow. Mouthing to me.

"Why not? Please." He mouthed.

"I already told you, I don't fuck with fuckboys." I mouth back.

He doesn't say anything but look at me with a small smirk. I glare at him then look forward.


The bell rings letting people out of their 2nd period class.

I open the door walking downstairs. I get to my locker grabbing my P.E close. I close my locker seeing Mikey behind me.

"Oh shit." I say backing up. "You fucking scared me man."

He hugs me. "Sorry."

"Are you going to P.E too?"

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah, I think we're starting on the basketball unit." I groan. Walking to P.E.

"But basketballs fun babe." He says following me.

"It's fun for a 5foot 7 guy to say. I'm 5'1 I'm short."

He chuckles. "Don't worry."

I chuckle grabbing his hand. We walk the rest of the way to out class. Right before he went into his class I kissed him goodbye. I walk into my class seeing all the preppy girls.

I roll my eyes and walk to my spot in the line.

I stand their and wait for the bell to ring. While I was waiting I got a text. I look at my phone and see its from the unknown number.

I unlock my phone and read the text they sent.

Unknown: Baby girl I craving you right now. I just want to u dress you. Kiss you. Touch you. I want to hear you to beg for me and scream my name. Do you want that?

I read the text suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. Shivers go up my spine while I try and text backs.

Me: No I don't want that. Go away I'm in class right now, so just leave.

I sent the text, turning off my phone listening to the teacher.

"Okay now you can go change." She yelled.

I don't have P.E with Zuleica but I do have it with Nikki and Amy. I don't talk to them much so I go with my other friend Madison.

I walk in the locker room, to my locker. I get to my locker putting in the combination opening it up getting dressed into my P.E uniform.

I finish changing going to the mirror seeing myself. I bend down pulling my hair up into a high ponytail. I grab my hair elastic around my wrist and tie it around my hair. I let go seeing if it looked okay.

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