We're all Illegal Chapter 20

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Alex's POV

After the robbery we drove to Sara's house to 'celebrate' so basically the definition of celebrate for us means, to get high on many drugs. Sara's a drug dealer so she has many drugs on her. Mostly her boyfriend Tomas, he has the best of the best. Judy and Mikey haven't gotten here yet so we started without them.

"Okay they're probably hanging sex some- where, I'll just get the stuff ready." Sara said making way to the kitchen.

"Wait Sara." I say chasing behind her.

"Huh" she said turning around.

"Can I ask you something? In private." I say pulling her further into the kitchen.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Well Tim and I have been talking about this for a while so..." I say fiddling with my fingers.

"Does he want you to have sex with him?" She asked worried.

"No no..." I say looking down. "Yeah kinda."

She pushed my chin up. "Alex it's okay. But if your not ready yet it's best you tell him."

"I know but I just want to make him happy." I feel my eyes getting watery.

"No don't cry." She said rubbing my cheek. "But do you think your ready. Or does he think your not a Virgin?"

I look up at he in guilt. "He thinks I'm not a Virgin."

"That's probably why. Just take him to my room and explain it to him." She said handing me a condom. "And when you feel totally comfortable just use this."

"Okay." I say hugging her and fixing up my makeup.

I walk over to tom and grab his hand taking him to Sara's bedroom. He held my hand tightly until we got to the bedroom. I open the door as tom quietly closes it. I walk forward a little letting go of his hand.

"So baby." He said wrapping his hands around my waist making his way up to my breast.

"Tom wait." I say moaning a little.

"It's okay you won't feel a thing."

"No tom stop." I feel my voice filling up with fear and frustration.

"It's okay you'll love it." He said pulling me closer moving his hand into my pants.

"Tom please stop." I say with a tear down my cheek.

He continued on doing what he wanted to me. He laid me on the bed touching me. I kept moving around because I didn't feel comfortable at all.

"Shh they'll hear us!" He said with anger in his voice.

"Tom please stop stop!" I say crying and anger.

"Babe just let me!" He said moving my hands away.

"No please stop!" I say kicking him off of me.

"What the fuck!" He said shoving me.

"Tom stop please! I'm not...."

"You not what huh!" He said pulling the collar of my shirt.

"Your hurting me let go!" I say trying to move his hand off of me.

"Fine!" He said dropping me on the bed.

He walked back and forth mad. I sit in the bed as I feel tears go down my face as I have the nerve to speak.

"I'm- I'm still a Virgin tom." I say looking at him.

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