I can't Chapter 23

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Mikey's POV

"I'm pregnant" Judy said with no emotion.

"You're what!?" Zuleica said surprised.

"Let me see." I say yanking the test out of her hands.

My eyes widen as seeing the test come out positive. Looking closer, she's been pregnant for a week now. Zuleica grabs the test out of my hands as her eye go back and forth from the test to Judy.

"I-." Judy said as tears filled her eyes.

"This test says you've been pregnant for a week now! When did you start feeling sick!" I yell cutting her off.

"After we had sex. The day after."

"Jesus Christ Judy! And you didn't tell me!" I yell.

"Hey it's not her fault!" Zuleica said standing next to Judy.

"I can't raise the baby! My parents will kick me out! And having you is just more stress." I yell angry.

"Hey!" Zuleica yelled back.

Judy's POV

"I can't raise the baby! My parents will kick me out! And having you is just adding more stress!" He yelled at me.

My heart turned upside down as my water line is being filled with tears. How could he say that?

"Mikey!" Zuleica said.

He said that if anything happens he'll help and stay with me, no matter what. Why is he so mad, I'm not the only one that caused this. He's the one who got me pregnant. My feelings turn from sad to angry. My face turn hot as I bite down on my teeth, putting my hands into fists.

"Okay. If you don't want to help me raise your baby, fine. I'll just turn into the drop out working five jobs, that can't even put food on the table for one kid. I'll just be the single mother on her own. That's fine."

His face looks like as if he's a deer in head lights, no emotion.

"No I didn't mean the baby." He said trying to hug me.

"Oh yes you did!" I say pushing him off. "God Mikey! You don't know, you really don't know! You don't know how much my family has struggled raising us. They had to work two shitty jobs when they came to America. They left all their things back in Mexico. I couldn't even see them on special holidays because they had to work just to make us happy. But it never did Mikey. I fucking hatted it. One night we couldn't pay rent so we had to live at our uncles house, that same night his gang walked through his front door walking in with guns." I say with tears. "Pointing it at every person in the room, even me. Loco couldn't keep his chill so he shot my uncle. The next day the police came in taking my uncles body. The officers found out my aunt was an illegal immigrant and deported her ass back to Mexico. Leaving my cousins in California living the gang life. Same with my other cousins... And me. See you don't know what the fuck I've gone through! There's a difference between losé ricos and the poor. I'm the poor. Nothing ever good happens to me. And by you leaving me with the baby, letting no me raise it on my own, will be shit. This baby will have a shitty live okay."

Tears run down my cheeks as I walk back into the bathroom.

Mikey's POV

She walks past me leaving me feel so fucking selfish. She runs into the bathroom slamming the door shut. My mind is blank I don't know either to leave her in the bathroom or just walk away. I run my hands through my hair as my stress level goes higher. Making my hand into a fist, putting all my might to the wall leaving a hole. Looking at my knuckles as blood comes out.

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