Chapter 49: Don't Panic

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Jalex- High School- Sterek

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Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Don't Panic


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Chapter Text

Jack's POV

It's dark.

The last thing I remember is drinking out of a bottle of water that Danny gave me.

'What the fuck was in that water?' I croaked, trying to open my eyes but only being able to see black. 'Seriously, a blindfold?' The blindfold is pretty shitty, I can still see through it. But not very well.

'Uh huh. Jack, what make is your iPhone?' Theo asked.

'Uh, iPhone 4.'

'Brilliant. You have the old one that doesn't have location services.' I heard them laugh.

Well, honestly, I thought he was gonna try and sell my phone so I lied. I have an iPhone 5s. But, he doesn't need to know that cause I can feel my phone in my back pocket. But Danny took it away from me..

'So, where are we?' I asked when the car stopped moving. 'It's really hot.'

'We're nowhere Jack.' Danny spoke.

'Don't ruin my hair.' I joked, desperately trying to reach for Theo's phone which was on the back of his chair, it must've fallen out of his. I succeeded and held onto Theo's phone, sliding it up my sleeve. Honestly I've had practice with being a pickpocket, I used to have to take change from my Dad when I was little so I could buy food in school. I took Theo's phone and squinted my eyes, opening up his text messages and typing in Alex's number. 'It's Jagk dontreply help' I managed to type in whilst not being able to see properly, before sending him the current location, deleting the messages and slipping the phone back onto Theo's seat before they dragged me out of the car.

Alex's POV

'I just got a text, unknown number.'

'It's probably spam, Alex.'

'Oh well.' I opened the text anyway.

'Uh, guys? Look at this.'

I put my phone down in front of my friends.

'I'm calling his Dad to see if Jack went home.' Derek took out his phone.

'Why didn't he text me from his own phone?' I asked my friends, beginning to panic.

'I don't know, Alex. But he's not at home. Get in the truck, we're going to the cops.'

'Alex, let me look at the number and I'll try match it up with a phone number on facebook.'

I handed my phone to Scott as he tapped away on his computer.

'The phone number belongs to Theo.'

'We're going to the cops. Alex, get in the fucking truck.' Derek pushed me towards his truck, me being in complete shock and about to freak out.

'Stiles, is your dad working?'

'Yeah, he is.'

'Brilliant.' Derek started up the truck as the rest of the guys got in and we drove to the cop station in a hurry, even though it felt like we'd been in the car for hours.

Everything is going by in a blur.

'Dad, we need help.' Stiles busted into his Dad's office, explaining everything before his Dad came out and rounded up a few of his deputy's and a load of other officers.

'Dad, just so you know, we're going with you.'

'It might be dangerous, Stiles.'

'We really don't care, this is our friend.' Stiles spoke before following all the cops outside.

'Alright Alex, let's go rescue your damsel in distress.' Isaac spoke, squeezing my shoulder.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now