Chapter 29: Sing me to sleep

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(This chapter is just a filler, it's short for a reason x)

Alex's POV

'Come on sleepy sicky butt, I'll take you home.'
Jack wasn't feeling too good, maybe it was my fault for dragging him out of bed at 5am.

By now it was 11am, and we were leaving the amusement park.

But I can say it was a great first date, and I love spending time with Jack.

I'm freaked out about school though. Today is Sunday, and we have to go back tomorrow.

Will people stare at us?

I have a feeling that a certain person is gonna start shit and I'm gonna end up losing it.

I don't really know where I get my anger from. But I've noticed that at least 4 of my friends have told me I should see a therapist about it.

But, the thing is, I only get angry when it comes to people I care about. If someone insulted me, I wouldn't really care.

But Jackson likes to get to me by insulting Jack, and my brother. That's just something that I wouldn't let drift away. Even if someone insulted my dad, I'd probably lose it.

Maybe Jackson's just jealous of me. I mean, he's an only child and has no parents. He's never been able to handle a stable relationship, and most people are scared of him.

If I had a 'scary' reputation, I'd be so disappointed in myself. I want people to see me as kind, comforting, protective and loving, not as the guy that bullies people.

I need to learn more about Jack. He needs to learn more about me. We need to have one of those cliché couple moments where we talk about life and or secrets. I feel like he would have a lot more to tell, I'm pretty much an open book. Jack always seems like he's scared when I ask him about his past.

As we pulled up outside Jack's house, I tapped him on the shoulder. The whole drive here I'd been thinking and listening to him snore. He really is damn cute. He'd fallen asleep listening to me singing him as many lullabies and slow songs I could think of. At one point I stopped singing and he woke up, slapped my hand and went back to sleep when I started singing again.

Jack's POV

I fell asleep on the car journey home. I was awoken by Alex tapping my arm and saying my name.

I said my goodbyes to him, gave him kisses and stepped out of the car smiling.

I got indoors where my dad was waiting for me.

I sighed, took my jacket off and walked into the living room.

'So.. You're gay?'
'Yes dad.'
'And Alex is your..?'
'Boyfriend? Yes dad.'

He sat there silently for a while, twiddling his thumbs.

'Does anyone else know?' He looked up at me.
'Alex announced it on stage at prom.' I said bluntly.

My dad sighed angrily, got up and left the room.

What the fuck am I supposed to do? Wait for him?

Soon enough, he came back into the room and threw an envelope at me. 'Read this.' He said before storming out of the house.

My phone was bleeping constantly in my pocket because of the boys in the group chat, but I ignored them and started at the envelope in awe.

Do I open it now?

My name was scrawled on the front in black girly handwriting.

Who the fuck could this be from?

Oh my god.
My mom.

Jalex - Highschool (All Time Low & Teen Wolf crossover - involves Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now