Chapter Nineteen

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"So, Ms. Megan, nice of you to stop by. I really would like to say that I wasn't expecting you, but I'm Dick Roman, everybody comes to me. It did take you an awfully long time, though... I'm kind of disappointed." Dick walked over and grabbed a Coke and a Pepsi and set them down in front of me.

We were in the middle of Dick's office in Richard Roman Enterprises. The room was brightly lit with overhead lights, even though the sun shone brightly in the giant glass window. The room was kept at a bone-chilling fifty degrees, which sent shivers up my spine.

"I wasn't sure if you were a Coke or Pepsi kind of girl." He said with a creepy smirk. "Maybe both, maybe neither." He paced back and forth behind me. "So, give me the details, are you a Sam or Dean girl? Like the Coke and Pepsi maybe you like both." Coming to a halt behind my back he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "You know, your old pal Bobby is here."

He has Bobby? No, Bobby, what did you do to get yourself into this?! Bobby has always been like a father to me, saving me on numerous occasions. Dean may have introduced us, but we formed a bond over those few months.

Sorry guys, the chapter was longer, but it didn't save. I'll post the rest soon. D:

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