Chapter Eight

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The minutes on the clock began to tick by, the ticking on the clock was both unsettling and annoying. The ticking usually made me feel calm and relaxed, but today all it meant was that everyone was getting closer to finding what they were looking for. Sam and Dean were on the laptops searching information, while I was reading through the only book that I had that would tell me anything. The book was not titled, the words weren't typed, and the ink on the pages began to fade, but this was still the only book that could determine life and death in any given situation. The book was written in 1646 by a man known as Julius Anatavious. He was originally from a small village in Europe, with a population of 80 people at most. He never tells the name of his town, or even what country he is in. Throughout the book he lists paranormal occurrences, monsters, and any ways on killing the supernatural. He never directly tells how he learned all of this information, seeing as he was 42 years old, which was an old age at the time, he probably had experienced some of the things that he talks about. Throughout his whole book, which happens to be at least 400 pages, he discusses things that no one had ever heard about at the time and even some hunters haven't heard about now. Not once has this book ever been wrong about anything that it states. If this book can't explain things to me, nothing can.

*Four Hours Later*

"I've got nothing!" I declared angrily. Even with the Internet no one has found anything useful. "Me either. I've looked through hundreds of sites about everything from supernatural accounts to Kelly Clarkson." Dean said, with a sigh following. "Kelly Clarkson?" Sam said confused. "Yeah Sam, I was serious!" Dean said with large amounts of useless sarcasm. "What were you reading Megan?" Sam asked while pulling something out of his bag that looked like a journal. "A book about the supernatural. You can read it if you want." I said handing him the book and standing up. "Oh, thanks." Sam said and handed me the journal from his bag. "What's this?" "My dad's journal. I have Bobby's too if you would like to read it. It doesn't say anything about the man that I encountered or anything like it. The closest thing is demons, and I know for sure that wasn't a demon." Sam said while setting down Julius journal, grabbing his coat, and then walking out the door. "Where is he going?" I said with an extremely weird look on my face, because I knew for a fact that we were at least a mile from the closet road and then a good five miles from everything else. "Probably going to walk the trails that you have in the backyard that lead through the woods." "How do you know they go thought the woods? I could be using them to lead you guys to your impending death." I said with the most serious face that I could put on. "You could do that, but you wouldn't because you like us." Dean said while smirking and walking towards me. "No way! I'm just using you!" I'm a monster form your past coming to haunt you." I said while winking and walking closer to him. "You don't like me?" Dean fake pouted. "No, I don't." I said with the worst lying voice ever. "Fine! Be like that. I guess I will have to make new friends!" He said and walked away. He went up the stairs and into his room. After about ten minutes I decide to go and make him a cup of coffee and take it up to him. When I walked up the stairs and into his room he was laying on his bed sleeping. I walked over and sat his cup of coffee on the bedside table and began to walk away. When I was almost at the door I went to turn around to look at his sleeping figure, that's when I met a pair of green eyes about a foot from my face. I screamed and went to run out the door, but I quickly got tackled. "If you don't like me, I am going to make you like me!" Dean said in a little kids voice. Then he got serious really quick and said, " You have really pretty eyes." "Thanks, so do you. Now can you get off of me?" He shook his head 'no' and just sat there and stared at me, while I stared at him. Then he began to lean in.

Author's Note: Please comment and tell me what you think! :) I love to see you all of your comments! Thanks to everyone who is reading my story and liking and voting! Also, please tell me what I can do better. Be honest! :) Thanks! :D

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