Chapter Twelve

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My POV: 

Chapter 12

My POV 4 Months Later:

Me and Dean have been together for about four months now, and we're going pretty strong.

Dean left about two weeks ago to go on a hunt with Sam, they said something about an Wendigo in a forest somewhere that has been killing innocent people. I had all of my bags packed so that I could go with them but Dean was hesitant to let me go. He said that I should trust him and Sam to take care of themselves, however, I knew that this wasn't true. There is nothing that Dean wouldn't do for Sam, and that Sam wouldn't do for Dean. They needed someone there who would make sure that they protect eachother along with themselves. I don't know how long this hunt will take, or when they might come back, but I did know one thing for sure...I was going to get them both back here safely to at any and all costs. Dean had said, to all of the weird events happening throughout the United States. Currently I am reading a story about a man named Dick Roman. He seems to be a very successful business man, and he seems to know what he is going to do with his company and his research. I'm not sure what he is researching, but I hope that we can all find out soon.

After and hour or so of sitting and watching TV I decided that I would go out into the woods for a quick jog. It is getting dark so I might as well hurry and get going if I hope to make it back before it is completely dark. I grabbed my phone, I took a drink of water, and I changed into my running outfit(Shorts and a T-Shirt).

While I'm running I take a look at my phone to see what time it is, and the screen says eight-fifteen. I have ran about three miles into the woods, which is way farther than I should have. The Sun is almost below the horizon and the moon is getting high into the sky.

I begin to run back in hopes of making it back before the sun is completely gone, but I know that isn't going to happen. The last hope I have just faded into the sky, and now with the sun gone, it is close to pitch black.

I am about a mile and a half from my house, and I'm running out of energy. When I pause to catch my breath, I look down at the ground and notice a large boot print that didn't belong to me. No one else has access to these trails except me, so the thought of someone else having stood in this exact spot recently gives me the chills. I am already exhausted, but I push myself to run the last mile and a half home, but soon I am forced to stop short.

I hear the creaking of a willow in the distance, the tweeting of birds, and the coursing of wind through the grass. My surroundings seemed fine until I heard a sharp cracking that came from a near pay stick, a crunching sound coming from the leaves, and the silence of all of the forest animals.

Spinning around I see nothing, but as soon as I turn back t head home I am grabbed from behind by strong, confining hands, and pulled into the restraining arms of a man. No a beast.

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