Chapter Nine

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Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, tell me what you think!


As he leaned in closer, so did I. The moment was almost perfect, almost as perfect as him, but that didn't stop Sam from bursting in like a chicken being chased by a wolf! When I get ahold of Sam he has got something coming his way. Of course Sam had a good reason for bursting in, because I guess when you accidentally light your butt on fire,you may need some assistance, but I was still beyond angry. When Sam came through the door his arms were flailing like he was trying to do the wave in some freestyle movement or maybe you could call it "the idiot who stood too close to the fire" dance. If anyone else would have stepped into the house at that moment we would have looked like the three stooges, one dummy with a butt on fire, another dummy(Dean) who was smacking Sam's butt trying to put out the flames, and the last dummy(me) trying to squirt the hose through the window, and onto Sam's butt. Now, all I have is an idiot with a burnt pair of pants, a wet house, and a ruined moment. I do feel bad for Sam, believe me, but that didn't stop me from laughing at him for about an hour or so. Dean joined in, and eventually so did Sammy. I've decided that calling Sam "Sammy" is a lot more, now how do I say this, brother and sisterly. Sam is my special puppy dog friend that is loyal and kind, while Dean is my Price Charming in an Impala that would do anything to protect what he cares about ,but he doesn't know that. I would do anything for them, anytime, anywhere, any reason, anything, as long as they would be safe. I wonder when all of this mayhem will be unraveled.

Five Hours Later

After it was determined that Sammy was no longer allowed by the fire, and that he did in fact not have any serious burns, we moved on to do some research. About twenty minutes into our research a man in a trench coat and a girl appeared in the center of my living room. I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but I know that is not at all normal, that's weird. A grabbed the holy water and salt, then I began to sprinkled it around and on them. The man didn't seem surprised, but the woman seemed slightly angered. By slightly angered I meant extremely angered and very violent. She walked forward and lifted her hand, while her eyes turned white. They light was too bright to tolerate, so I looked away, which went against everything that I knew. When the light stopped, the room became deathly dark and silent. The man's voice rang out throughout the house interrupting the silence, "Sam, Dean, aren't you going to introduce us? My name is Castiel, and my friends name is Carmen." Then, the girl spoke up, "Rebecca will be arriving shortly, there were some problems with our earlier transfer". After that, no words were said.

After what seemed like hours, Castiel, Carmen, and Rebecca explained their reason for being here and that reason turned out to be a job. That is literally all that was said. They said that they couldn't tell us anything about the job because it was confidential. I don't know how three people could talk for an hour about something that they weren't even allowed to talk about, but I don't expect any answers anytime soon. These angels were persistent with their questions though, and even though we were tired, we stayed and answered them. Question after question was all we did for two hours, which got extremely boring and became tedious. The questions shifted between Sam and Dean for half an hour before they started asking me questions. The questions ranged from "what happened after your parents went missing" to "If you could have any super power, what would it be". Apparently the answer " the ability to go to bed right now" was not the correct answer. That was kind of a smart-alick comment but they were getting into questions that were way too personal. When they asked Sam and Dean, "If they found their mates", Dean spit his Coke all over my floor, and my couch. Sam didn't have such a shocked reaction, but his face went from red to supernova. If his face went any more red, I think it would have exploded, which I really didn't want to see and I hoped would happen. Dean on the other hand got angry as soon as he got over the shock, which caused my wet carpet and couch. I couldn't wait to go to sleep because I haven't slept in at least two days. That doesn't sound like a long time, but when you wake up tired, then you have to go through two days like that, you tend to fall asleep as soon as someone who lacks expression and enthusiasm, starts to talk. Me and Dean began falling asleep while Cas talked. Of course they didn't understand because they don't sleep, so they kept calling us back into the conversation. Sam was more lively, he kept asking questions about things the would say, and then Cas would usually answer. Halfway through one of their many long speeches about demons, I fell into a long, deep, and dreamless sleep.


"Help! Help me, please!" Opening my eyes and allowing the light to enter, and the blurriness to clear. When my eyes had adjusted, they met a pair of all to familiar brown eyes. They were the eyes of my grandmother. My grandmother had eyes that no one could ever forget, they were the lightest of browns and they had specks of gold. I had my mothers eyes, instead of my fathers. I was confused by the presence of my grandmother, because she was long passed on. When I was thirteen my grandmother died of old age. She was about ninety years old, but she had the heart of a fighter, a strength that I wished I had. After all of my thoughts had been collected, I took in my surroundings, which consisted of a field, a pond, all of which was surrounded by a forest. The forest was thick and green. A heavy dew had set on the lush grass, and every tree stump, along with every rock was covered in moss. This place possessed a rare beauty, unlike any other. I wasn't sure who had been crying for help, but none of that seemed to matter, as I was caught up in the moment. When my grandmother spoke, she bid a silent warning, before he eyes turned black and her body leapt forward in my direction.

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