Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


I awoke in a cold sweat with shivers running through my body. My blood was pumping in my veins so quickly that I could hear my own heart beat in my ears. Opening my eyes I realized that I was laying down in my bed fully dressed in my clothes from yesterday, and I was partially covered with a black blanket that didn't appear familiar to me.

Standing up I grabbed a new pair of clothes and a brush, to try and tidy myself up before heading downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw Sam sitting alone at my kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal, while Cas was studying the pictures on my wall sorta stalker like. I wonder where Dean is, because it is obvious that he isn't here. I was about to turn around to head upstairs when something shoved me onto the ground. I was about to yell at the person when I saw that it was Dean. I quickly noticed the smirk on his face and the guilty gleam in his eyes. I jumped up on my feet and went to attack Dean but I was shocked when he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and began to walk out the door. I tried to protest but Dean's voice interrupted me, "Hey Sweetheart, I decided that since our date was ruined we were just going to have to do something else."

"Like what? Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, you just need to relax and stop moving or I'm going to drop you on your butt. By the way, I think it'll be fun so just can you just take a chill pill." Dean said while setting me on the ground. "You can walk by yourself right?" He asked while winking.

"YES Dean, I can."I said with a blush. Right as I was about to walk in the direction that Dean had already began heading, he turned around and kissed me on my cheek. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter around and the beat in my heart begin to quicken.

After a good hour walk me and Dean arrived at a beautiful crystal clear pond in the middle of the forest. Dean pulled out a bathing suit for me and told me to go change, so that's what I did. I ran behind a tree about thirty feet from him and changed into the bright yellow bikini that Dean brought for me. When I walked out I had my arms wrapped around my body because I was so self-conscious and embarrassed. Dean's eyes met mine and he had a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong Dean?"

"You." He said.

I quickly felt the tears begin to build up in my eyes.

"NO! I didn't mean it like that!" He said while running over to me, "I just meant that I can't believe that you don't know."

"Don't know what? That I'm ugly?"

This made the sad look on his face grow full of more sorrow as he brought his hand up to my face and started brushing the hair that surrounded it.

"No, that you don't know you're beautiful." He admitted honestly as he leaned in. When we were less than an inch away he brought his other hand and enveloped the back of my head and pulled his lips to mine. The jolt from the connection radiated through my body almost instantly.

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