Chapter 30

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~Five Months Later~

Karmyn's POV

As I lay there on our roof, I start to remember what happened a few months ago. How I lashed out on Cal and ran away. We ended up talking about it and I got super confused. I didn't know what I wanted or anything. I just didn't want to be in an awkward position.

Lately I've been feeling somewhat depressed. The doctor said I am not allowed to play football anymore which takes away most of my happiness. I don't want to just sit around and stay at home all day. I have lost all of my contact with my friends and I'm home schooled. After a while, Olivia and I have broken up. She turned into a complete bitch after going with the wrong crowd... So like I said, I have no friends. Liv? She ended up running away and went missing for a while. Again, we got in a little argument too. That's why she ran. I found her the other day but she was living with someone else, a guy. He looked like he was a punk. But, I just ignored them both. Mom and Dad both called off the search party for her after I told them that she was safe.

"Karmyn?" I hear someone call my name, "You up here?" I see a head pop up and notice it's my mom. She climbs on the roof and I ignore her.

She sits next to me and starts talking, "You know, when I was pregnant with you, I would come up here and think. I always found it relaxing. I guess this roof has the same effect on you. What's wrong, hun?"


"You seem upset. You haven't been like yourself. What's up?"

"Just- nothing."

It goes silent again. I get off the roof and into my room. Once I'm in, I walk across the hall and tell my dad, "mom's on the roof."

"What? She shouldn't be up there... she's nine months in," he says as he dashes to the window.

I leave the room and hear something calling me. I'm not sure what it is. I head to the room of which it's calling me and shut the door. 'Lock it.' I lock the door and I hear it again, 'go in the cabinet.' Again, I do as it says and go into the cabinet. I look around as it says something again, 'grab it.' I grab the thing that appeals to me and I shut the cabinet. I hear my parents talking outside the room, as they go into their bedroom. Then there is silence.

"Simon, he's coming."

"Okay. Calm down. Let's get you to the hospital," I hear him yell, "Karmyn! Guys! We'll be back! The baby is here."

Before I can try to harm myself, I put the razor back into the cabinet and shut it. I take a few steps back before I feel a sharp pain on my right side. I fall down and squeal in pain. Sooner than I know it, everything goes black.


I wake up in a bed that isn't mine. It's not warm or cold. It's blank. As I start to get my feeling back, I feel a sharp pain on my neck. I open my eyes and see Cal, JJ and Tobi in the room, waiting for me to wake up.

"Karmyn?" Cal says as he rushes to my bedside. I let out a small 'mhm?'

"What happened to you?"

My eyes scan the room. JJ is leaving and my eyes follow him. Tobi walks over and stands next to Cal, to find out what happened.

"I was about to cut myself and then I put it away because I didn't have to. Then I just passed out on the floor."

"Why would you try to cut yourself? I thought everything was alright with you," Cal trails off.

"I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't live with the fact that all of my friends left me. I can't have a normal childhood. I hate that I can't play football anymore or run or jump. I hate that I got in a car crash."

"It's life. And all of these struggles make you stronger in the future but please, Karmyn. Don't do anything stupid."

"My side hurts," I cry out. Then the sharp pain is back and I start to cry.

Soon, I see JJ come in with Josh, Freya and my Dad.

"Karmyn, baby what's happening?" My dad says as he runs to my side.

"My side hurts!" I squeak in between cries.

"Which side?"

"My right side."

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