Chapter 7

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I arrive in Scotland and am now waiting for my parents to come and get me. I sit down on a bench and wait for my parents to come and get me. I see a familiar figure coming toward me and I get up and quickly run toward it. I hug my dad and practically start sobbing. I don't know why I do, I guess it was too much stress.
"Karmyn, what the hell happened?"
"Grandma. She's a fucking prick."
"Mom's mom."
"Freya's with- oh."
"What's wrong? Why was she such a bitch?"
"Come on, let's go to the car. We can talk about it there."
We walk to the car and I sit in the passenger seat. It was just my dad that came to get me. He then turns to me and starts to talk.
"She dropped your mom off at the orphanage. She was a bitch toward your mom and was threatened by her. She would abuse MacKenzie."
"That's not right!"
"I know it's not," my dad looks at my face for a second then looks back to the windshield, "did she do that to you?"
"Do what?"
"That bruise on your cheek. Did she do that?"
"Yes. That's why I wanted to leave. Cal also wanted me to leave so it wouldn't get ugly. He was dealing with her."
I saw my dad's cheeks flare with redness. He was pissed, I could tell. If anything were to happen to my mother or I, he would kill a hoe.
"Well, I'm glad you're coming with us. You'll have a ton of fun."
I pause. I actually take a look at my dad. I'm so happy that he is my dad. And I'm so happy that my mom chose him.
"I love you, dad."
"I love you too Karm."
We soon arrive at the hotel and I run into my mom's arms.
Insomnia has been so much fun. I met a lot of my parent's fans. Luckily, they all were really nice to me. Right now we are about to go to a restaurant for some dinner. Before we walk in, I get a call from Olivia.

"What's up?"
"Nothing much, just bored."
"Ah. Well I'm about to go to dinner."
"Cool. Where?"
"I don't know what it's called."
"Oh. Okay, I'll let you eat then."
I hang up the phone and walk to the table. I sit in between my mom and dad, across from Josh and Freya, and diagonal from Harry and Vikk. Kay, Isabella and JJ are all sitting near each other as well.
(Yes, Harry is also here. I messed up on the last chapter >.<)
After we order food, I get bored and decide to pull out my phone. I go on Vine and start to record.
"Karmyn. Not at the table," my mom says.
"Fine mom," I put an emphasis on mom, trying to say something sassy.
"You know, that would work a lot better if she wasn't your mom," JJ says, being smart.

Our food comes to our table and we all start to eat. Once we are done eating, we head back to the hotel. We open the door to our room and I see only one bed. Thank god it's king sized. My mom goes on one side of the bed, whilst my dad is on the other. I go in between them and curl up. Soon, we all drift into a deep, relaxing sleep.

Sorry that it was such a short chapter. I promise this time that I will actually write long chapters. Starting tomorrow. -B

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