Chapter 11

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Karmyn's POV

I go up on stage and see everyone in the crowd. Am I mad that they have done this? A little. Am I sure that they just ruined my new relationship? Yes. I didn't want to tell Garrett that I am Simon's daughter. Apparently they asked me a question because the we're waving their hand in front of my face, "Hello?"

"Tell them about yourself," Harry says.
"I'd rather not. I'm sorry."
My dad brings me into a side hug. And kisses my head, "What's wrong?" He whispers.
I look up at him, "I didn't want you guys to say anything. Garrett is a fan and I didn't want to tell him. I wanted him to like me for me. Not just to get close to you and the guys."
The room just goes silent. I forgot his microphone was on. I stare into the crowd and then down at Garrett. I stood still for a while until I jogged off stage. They didn't go after me, and I can tell why. I'm not even mad. I hear a bunch of cheering and then the guys come off stage. Here I am, sitting in a corner, with my knees to my chest. I hear the guys looking for me but I stay still.

"Karmyn. Come on, sweetie," Josh says.
"Karm. Where are you?" JJ asks.
"You can't hide here forever," Harry says, obviously unamused.

I peep my head up and then my dad comes to me and sits next to me. He brings me into a hug and apologizes, "Karmyn, I'm so sorry. I forgot the microphone was on. Your friend still likes you."

"But now I'll never know if he actually liked me. I'm not sure if it'll be because of you or because he genuinely likes me."
"Even if he does, you're too young to date."
"Since when did you become a parent? You've never acted like this."
"I just don't want you to get hurt. None of us do."
I hug my dad and place my head in the crook of his neck.
"I want to go home."
"Alright. We're going now. Don't you worry, baby girl."
We arrive home and I head straight to my room then flop on my bed. I pull out my phone and start to scroll through Instagram. Suddenly, I receive a text from.... Garrett. Yay. Just the person I wanted to see.

Hey. I just want to tell you that I knew this whole time. I just wanted to make you feel better by pretending not to know. When I first saw you, my heart sank. You're so beautiful. Then I saw the sidemen follow you in and it broke a little. I just hoped that I would meet you. Please don't be mad.

I'm not mad. I'm just embarrassed. I wanted you to live me for me. Not just for my dad and his friends or my mom... I wish I could believe you but I just don't know. You have to make me believe you.

Karmyn. I love you.

Love is a strong word. Don't use it unless you know that you do feel it. Getting turned on and love are two different things. Goodnight Garrett.

I turn off my phone and head downstairs, to the living room.

"Alright. What movie is it tonight?"
"How about Oculus?" Josh asks.
"Gopher it!"
"Did you say gopher?" Ethan questions me.
"Yes. Deal with it."

We start to watch Oculus and I am falling asleep quickly. I keep myself awake until the credits roll and then pass out on my dad and mom's laps. I drift off to sleep with my family.

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