Chapter 3

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Karmyn's POV

"So, what's that thing you were going to talk to me about?" I ask my parents. We are driving home from the meet up with my teacher.
"We'll tell you when we get home. It's kinda a long story," My mom says, looking back at me from the passenger seat. The car goes quiet and then I realize something that will change everything that Mrs.Riley just told my parents about me. "Shit!"
"Karmyn. Language," My dad says.
"Dad. English."
"I don't even know how to react to that. I'm not sure if I should yell at you because I'm your parent or laugh at that because that was clever," my dad gives out a sigh, that's more like a laugh.
My mom just shakes her head and says, "You know, we've done this to her."
"No. Because if she gets in trouble because of her sassiness, it'll be our fault."
"That's okay, we can just blame it on Harry."
"But he doesn't do anything anymore. I mean, he actually uploads now. The joke is dead."
My mom nods her head as if saying, "true."
"Wait, Karmyn. Why'd you say shit?"
"I forgot to get my homework from Mrs.Riley at the meeting. It'll go against me and then I'll fail. And once I fail, I can't do football and when I can't do football, I feel lost and when I feel lo-"
"Sweetie, calm down. You don't need to worry. It's only one time. It won't count against you."
"I'll just tell her that I forgot to grab it. Which, is true."
We go inside and I head up to my room. I go on Skype and see that I have a message from Harry. That's weird. I click on his name and open up our chat. Soon, my face turns white and I can't believe what I just saw. I shreek and run out of my room, and in to my parent's room. I run up to my dad and bury my head into his chest, practically crying. My mom runs over to us and puts her hand on my back, turning me around.
"Karmyn. What's wrong?"
My parents glance at each other before I bury my head into my mom's chest. My dad runs out of the room and into my room, probably looking at my computer.
"What's going on up there?" Josh, my grandpa asks, while yelling.
"Karmyn," My mom answers.
My dad comes storming into the room, obviously enraged by what we had both seen. My mom is still holding me and is now rubbing circles on my back.
"What happened?" My mom asks, confused and worried about the situation.
"Harry happened."
"What did he do?"
"That's perverted! What is he, 31?!"
"What even did I see?" I question, still in shock.
"Just try to forget about it."
I get out of my mom's hold and walk back to my room. I'm honestly done with today. So much shit has happened and I need rest.
"Where you going?"
"Goodnight, Karmyn. I love you," my patents say.
"Love you too."
I shut my door and go back on my computer. Quickly, without looking at the picture, I type:
Harry, I hope you realize who you just sent this to. By the way, in twelve. You're in your thirties. That's a big difference. Also, be warned. My mom and dad might kill you pretty soon, js.

I feel as if he should be warned. Don't get me wrong, I don't want him to have to face my parents unprepared. I mean, have you seen them?! Alone, they're intimidating but together, it's seriously your death wish. Especially when you mess with their baby.
I turn off my computer and monitor then, I head to the light switch and turn off the lights. I hobble over to my bed and plop down on top of the soft, comfortable mattress. I curl up into a ball and lift the covers over me. I close my eyes and drift off into sleep.
'What the hell were you thinking? Get back in your fucking cage or you won't get food for a week.'
'I'm sorry. I'll go back.'
'Damn right you will. Now shut the fuck up and don't fucking talk.'
I nod my head.
'And as for you, if you don't get back in your cage, I'm going to kill you.'
'Please, don't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.'
'I said get back!'
A gunshot is heard. I see it all. Everything happened.
'Once I fucking let you go, you won't tell anyone about this, got that?'
I nod my head
'You will go back to your family and you will tell them that you were at a friend's house for an extra day. You will not tell anyone anything. Got that?'
I nod my head once again. He kicks me out of his car, into the severe storm, and I run home. But I can't do anything.
'Karmyn! Where were you?'
'I'm sorry for not telling you that I was at a friend's house. They wanted me to stay extra long. Because of the storm. They didn't have power so they couldn't call.'
I lied. Hoping they believed it.
'Did you walk here? Karmyn. You're only nine!'
I nod my head once again.

OOOOOHHH What happened?! OH MY GOSH! cliffhanger! Anyway, I'm still experimenting what that last part is. But for now, I'll see you t.omorrow.

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