Chapter 2

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Karmyn's POV

"Well, I missed the bus and it wouldn't stop so, I decided to chase it."
"Karmyn. Sweet, sweet Karmyn. I have no other words for you," my mom says as she gives me a hug.
"So am I not in trouble?"
"No. You're not in trouble."
"But, I don't want you to do that again. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Okay, mom. I won't do it again."
"Alright, Moving on. How was school?" Josh asks. I usually call him and my uncles by their first name. Josh didn't want to seem old, so he didn't want me to call him grandpa.
"It was good. We actually have a parent-teacher meeting tonight at the school. But only for my math teacher. Today's her day for meetings," I say, grabbing some food out of the fridge.
"Oh. That sounds fun. Are you two going to go?" Vikk asks them.
"I don't see why not. I mean, we're already caught up on videos. All we'll need to do is just wait for them to render, while we talk to her teacher," my dad says.
I give them a little smile. "When does it start?" My mom asks. "It starts at six. I can't wait for you two to meet her! She's the best teacher ever!" I say, getting a little bit too excited.
"You know, I'm glad you like school. It's important."
"Yeah. I'm thinking of being a famous football player when I'm older! But I also want to start a YouTube channel." My parents just chuckled at that as I kicked a fake football and fell on my butt.
"You're silly, little one," my mom says as she helps me up.
"Well, I was raised by all of you so, what do you expect?" I let out a giggle.
"Oi. That's true!" I heard JJ walk into the kitchen.
We all started to chuckle. I guess today we were all in a laughing mood. Then, the room went silent.
"I'm going to go play on my computer," I say, starting to walk up to the stairs.
"Homework first," my mom says. My parents have a rule where I have to do my homework before anything else. I can see why but, sometimes it gets annoying. I hesitate, "I-uh already did it."
"Karmyn," my dad says.
"I did!"
"Alright. Then you can go and play."
"Yay!" I run up the stairs and sit down at my desk.
"Karmyn! We're about to go to the meeting! Are you going with us?" My dad yells to me, from downstairs.
"Coming!" I walk downstairs and follow my parents out of the house and into the car.
Soon, we arrive at the school and we walk through the huge doors, opening to the giant building. We walk inside, near administration and stop in front of the nurse's office. "I can show you two around, if you want," I say to my parents.

"No need. You see, I went to the school here when I was just a little bit older than you. These halls, are my stomping grounds. If you can call it that."
"That's so cool! So you know everyone here! And when my teachers ask, I can tell them that you're my mom!"
"Well, They might not remember me. Also, it might not be the best idea."
"Wha- why not?"
"We'll tell you later," my mom says, a little nervously.
"Uh- how about you show us to your class?" My dad asks, breaking the silence.
"Okay. This way!" I lead my parents to Mrs.Riley's class.
"Okay, here it is... Mrs.Riley's classroom," I look into the room. No one except Mrs.Riley, is here.
"Mrs.Riley?" My mom looks at my dad, "Is that-?"
"MacKenzie? Is that you?" Mrs.Riley asks my mom.
"Wait. You know each other?"
My mom rushes over to my teacher and brings her into a huge hug. My dad puts his hand on my shoulder and looks down at me, as I look up. I look at him as if I am asking a question with my eyes, saying, "What is happening?"
It's almost as if he knew what I was asking because he gives me a look that says, "I'll explain later."
I'm honestly really lost but, I'm glad my mom is happy.
"MacKenzie. I didn't know that Karmyn was that baby I saw twelve years ago! Oh look how much she has grown!"
"When did you get into teaching? What about the orphanage?"
"The orphanage shut down. They all got adopted or grew up."
"They did? That's great."
"And I got into teaching after I got married. Hense, Mrs.Riley. I already had the degree, so I decided to become a teacher. What can I say, I love kids."
"I know you do. You just can't get enough of them!" Mom says, with a small laugh.
"Yeah, Karmyn here is a phenomenal student in my class. But, she does need some help with math sometimes. Other times, she's got it. Does she ask for help much?"
"No, not really," My dad says, joining the conversation.
"Well, if she does, she can ask you, right? She tells me that you are the best at math," Mrs.Riley says, directed toward my dad.
"Yeah, I'm pretty good," My dad says, giving a chuckle.
"You seem like pretty good parents. She seems well-rounded and she's intellegant."
"Well, we did raise her amazingly. Of course she's the best!" My mom says, adding a feminine and sassy, yet posh tone. I look at her, with so many emotions in my eyes. Then, they all start to act posh. Totally opposite of what they actually are.
"What the heck are you guys doing? Stop being weird, you're freaking me out," I say, with a little bit of a playful voice.
"Why can't we be weird? Huh?" My dad asks, playfully.
"Yeah. Where do you think all of your weirdness came from?" My mom comes in, closing in on me as if she's about to do the forbidden......... tickle. I back up, trying not to get tickled when I suddenly feel hands wrap around my waist. At first, I get tickled and start squealing, until I get lifted up into the air and put on my dad's shoulders. Soon, we all are busting into laughing fits. Even Mrs.Riley.
"Alright, I'm glad that I could see you guys again, MacKenzie, I'll see you in school tomorrow, okay?" Mrs.Riley says.
"MacKenzie? My name is Karmyn."
"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. Karmyn. It's you. You just- you look so much like your mother."
"Thank you!" I say. I honestly take that as a compliment. My mom is a beautiful lady and my dad made the right choice.

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