Chapter 1

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Karmyn's POV

"Karmyn, time to wake up," I hear someone whisper to me. The person comes closer to me and kisses my forehead. It's my dad.
"I don't wanna."
"Come on, you have school."
"What time is it?"
"Seven. You need to get ready for school. The bus should be here soon."
"Okay. Okay, I'll get ready."
I fling the covers off of me and sit up. My dad makes his way to the door, turns around and then smiles at me.
"What? Why are you staring at me?"
"Because I love you."
I sort of blush and then say, "I love you too, Dad." I get up out of bed and kiss him on the cheek.
"Where's mom?"
"Sleeping. She had an all-nighter."
"Oh. Okay. Tell her I said bye," I say as I shut my door, to get changed. I grab a white tank top with a navy blue shaw to go over top of it, jeans, black converse, and a fedora.
I walk to the bathroom and start to brush my long, dirty blonde hair. After my hair, I brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and then down the stairs. Just before I leave the house, I grab my backpack and walk through the door. I then walk down a few blocks from our house, to the bus stop. Again, it's for safety reasons. It's actually a really good work out.
Once I get to the bus stop, I just stand there and wait for the bus to come. Some other kids come to the stop and soon my friend, Olivia comes as well.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Nothing much, just school. You?"
"Well, my parents went on a date night last night and I was left alone... with no food."
"NO FOOD?! THE HORROR!" I dramatically yell.
"I know! I was so hungry."
"You could've come to my house. My parents wouldn't have minded"
"I wasn't allowed to leave the house."
"That sucks."
Soon, the bus meets us at the stop and we all trail on, one by one. I sit in my regular seat, with Olivia. Seat 8. Close to the back, but not all the way. We carry on a conversation until we get to the school.
"And after you divide, then you find out that x=47. Does everyone understand that?"
The whole class nods their heads and wait for Mrs.Riley to continue her lesson.
"Alright. Now, try to do some problems on your own!"
After about ten minutes of doing problems, Mrs.Riley speaks up, "Alright kids, class is coming to an end. Don't forget that tonight is parent-teacher conference night! So if your parents or guardians have signed up to talk to me, they can! Even if they haven't signed up, they can still come and sign up. I might be able to see them."
The bell then rings, excusing us to leave school and trail onto the buses.
"Goodbye, see you tonight! Six o'clock!" Mrs.Riley yells, over the loud voices of kids and teens talking about basically anything. I grab my bag and head out of the class and into the hallway. I feel a sudden presence by my side. Olivia.
"Hey, how was today?" She asks me.
"It was great. What about yours?"
"It was alright. I don't really get the math homework though."
"The math homework! Shit!"
"Did you not get it?"
"No. I forgot to grab it."
"Well, that's okay. Aren't you coming to parent-teacher night? You can get it there."
I calm down, and stop in the middle of the hallway to face Olivia, "Good point."
"Well, what are we waiting for? We're going to miss the bus!"
We run to the bus just as it was pulling away. I keep up with the bus and attempt to knock on the door when it starts to move away faster.
"Wait!" I run into the road and follow the bus, chasing behind it.
"Karmyn are you crazy?! You could get hit by a car!" Olivia yells, whilst running on the sidewalk, beside me.
"No! I'm just energized! And I want to go home!"
"You're really something, aren't you? Always having to be a risk taker."
"You're just a wimp, come on!" I say, picking up my speed behind the bus. I can sense cars following behind me, but I don't care. As I run, I turn my head to see that Olivia had stopped running with me. I can see why, she isn't that athletic.
I catch up to the bus, but by the time I do, I'm already in front of my house. I honestly can't believe I just did that. Like, I just turned in-human just as if I were a super hero. But, nah that's only in comics. And if I were to believe that and test my "powers" then, I'd be a fool.
I walk to the sidewalk and take a breather, just before going inside. I soon hear a car door slam outside and someone walking into the house.
"Karmyn Alexis Minter! Where are you?"
"Kitchen!" Vikk yells.
Soon, I see my mom walk into the room. She looked like she had a lot of anger bundled up inside of her.
"What the hell were you doing, running in the middle of the road, and chasing the school bus?!"
Everyone in the kitchen turns to look at me. I look around seeing shocked faces and some faces holding in laughter. Then, when I finally have the courage to, I speak up.

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