Chapter 20

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Karmyn's POV

Since the HTM server was down, Vikk and I decide to play a parkour map with Preston, Kenny and Brayden. I keep failing the jumps and it was the last jump.

"What the heck! I can't do this jump! How did you do this?!" I whine.
"You just have to sprint jump this. It's a simple four block jump," Preston laughs.
"You call it simple, I call it the devil."
"Look, like this," he says as he makes his character jump and do the thing I've been struggling with.
"Karmyn, it took me a while to do this, don't worry," Brayden says.
"I don't care! I just wanna do it!" I yell as I make the jump. All the guys cheer and I squeal, "Yay! I did it!"

"Karmyn! Dinner time!" My mom yells up to me.
"Alright guys, that raps up this video and I'm going to go for a goal of ten thousand likes because it took me ten thousand times to make that jump! Anyways, have a nice day or night- depending on where you live. Love you all and.... see ya!" I wrap up and say goodbye.
"Alright. Dinner time for me, have to go boys!"
"Have a nice meal," Kenny says.
"Vikk you coming?"
"Nah. I think I'll talk to these guys for a while."
"Alright. See ya later."

I log off of Skype and I head downstairs to go to dinner. I sit down at the island and wait for my dad to come down.
"Hi mamma," I say and fold my hands.
"Hey, Karm. How are you?"
"I'm good. I just recorded a video with Vikk, Brayden, Kenny and Prest-"
"Did I just hear the name Preston?" My dad says, in a stern yet not serious tone.
"Maybe..." I trail off.
"You know how I feel about him! I do not approve of him!" He starts to come closer to me and I start to hop away from him. I hop all around the kitchen to get away from him and he catches me, then lifts me up and holds me bridal style. He twirls me around and then brings me into a hug. I look over to my mom and she's smirking. My dad places me on the stool and then starts to chase my mom as well. He catches her then turns her around to face him. They look into each others eyes for what seems to be an eternity and then kisses her as if it was their last kiss ever. They stay like that for a while and some of the guys come into the kitchen. I just shush them and they all sit at the island with me. Some of the guys start to record this and my parents finally pull apart. They look into each others eyes some more then look around to see phones pointed at them. We all just laugh and then eat. We have salsbury steak and mashed potatoes. (If you don't know what that is, I recommend eating it because OML! It's good.)

We finish eating and my parents say that we have an appointment for my leg tomorrow. I sigh and go back to my room to go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day.

One of many updates for tonight. Maybe I'll give 2 or 3 more chapters. Also, I take back the 'ending at 50 chapters' thing. I think I'll stay for a lot more.

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