Chapter 25

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Surprise! Here's a chapter!

Karmyn's POV

"We're home!" My dad yells to the others.

Everyone cheers and runs up to hug us. Even Kay, Isabelle and Freya are here. I hug them back, whilst tearing up. I'm so glad to be back.

"I have an announcement to make later tonight. But right now, it's all about Karmyn," my mom says as she pats my shoulder.

I look at her in confusion of what that could be. Wait. I think I heard them talking when I was in the coma. You know, a great perk of being in a coma is being able to hear things, even when you can't see them. But when I was in a coma, I thought I heard them talk about moving somewhere. I don't want to move out of this house! I love it here.

"So, what are we going to do today?"
"We should make a football video! But after I Skype my friend," I say, excitingly.
"Okay. How about we leave at four to go to the pitch?" Ethan says.
"Sounds great!"

I run upstairs and go to my room. I quickly load up Skype and start a call with Liv.

L: Hey! Karmyn I'm so glad you're home!
K: I know! I'm so happy to be out of the hospital. Honestly, I don't plan to go back anytime soon.
L: haha.
K: so, how's life at home? Wait... you're not at your- What happened?!
L: I finally got taken away from my parents. I'm at an orphanage right now.
K: Oh. Liv, that's great! And also, I feel bad for you...
L: I'm much happier here.
K: I'm glad.
L: So, when are you coming to America? You could visit me.
K: OhMiGosh! I could so visit you! We can hang out and do everything we wanted to do!
L: Yes!
K: I don't know, but I have to go now. Bye!
L: Bye! Love ya!
K: Love ya too, sis!
L: bye
K: bye

I head downstairs and we go to the football pitch. We record a few videos for everyone's channels and then we head to dinner. I sit down next to Harry and Tobi, across from my parents. On my row, it's Ethan, JJ, Harry, Me, Tobi, Josh and Vikk. On the other side of the table, it's Isabelle, Mom, Dad, Cal, Freya and Kay.

"Oi! It looks like Karmyn has six body guards."
"That would be an adorable idea for a family photo! Just have all the guys surrounding her and then have everyone look all tough," Isabelle says, squealing at the cute idea.
We all just laugh and they actually take it into consideration.

"So, what's going on with your friend from America?"
"Oh, she finally got taken away from her parents. She's living in an orphanage now."
Everyone stops what they are doing and becomes quiet. My mom looks down and my dad brings her into a hug. She looks up, "She is?"
"Yeah. She's happy now. I wanna meet her, when are we going to America?"
"Maybe soon, but we have something else to talk about."

My mom silences the table. Everyone directs their attention to her and she begins to talk, looking at my dad and then at us, "Guys....... I'm pregnant. It's actually been a while and, we already found out the gender."
"Well, what is it?" I ask.
"It's a boy."
I nearly hit my one good leg on the table, as I start to tear up. I go to hug Tobi and he brings me into a hug. I continue crying tears of happiness and then look up. I look over to Cal and it looks as if he recorded that whole announcement.
"But, there is a downside. We're moving. But not too far away. Maybe an hour away from the house."
"Like, can we go and pack now and like, hurry this baby up because I want a baby brother!"
They all laugh and I'm just way too excited for this.

We go home and they put me to bed. I try my hardest to go to sleep but, I'm still too hyperactive. All I think about is: I'm going to be a big sister.

Okay guys, I made this as happy as possible. And... I hope you like her announcement! I was actually contemplating on whether or not it should be a cliffhanger but, I decided against it. You're welcome!

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