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Karmyn's POV

When I go to school, I hear people talk about their houses and families. Saying that their Mom and Dad made them do chores or, they sit around and scroll through Facebook all day or even that they barely do anything with the kid. Well, being me, I don't see how parents can do that. I mean, yes, my parents do sit around all day but, that's their work. They play video games for a living. I guess that's why I like to play video games. Correction. Love to play video games. Well, at least my parents still do things with me. But then again, not everyone has YouTubers as parents.

My dad is the one and only Simon Minter or Miniminter on YouTube. He spoils me a lot but, he's also just so much fun! He actually taught me how to play football and encouraged me to join a team! My mom also helped me a lot with football as well. My mom and dad are really similar and make a great duo. My uncle, JJ said that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I guess that's true because we all share the same interests.
I'm actually happy with this family I have. I could say so many nice things about everyone. Hmm.. where to start.
Grandpa Josh is really really nice. But he can be stern at some times. I don't like it when he is because he gets kinda scary.
Grandma Freya is the best grandma ever! She takes me out on little dates. We go shopping, and we go shopping even more... she basically spoils me. Sometimes the shopping gets too much though. It's nice sometimes but she can get carried away, along with my Aunt Kay and Aunt Isabella. They all love shopping as well but they don't spoil me too much.
Uncle Vikk is cool. He teached me how to play Minecraft. But my uncles, Dad and Mom all say it's pedophilic for Uncle Vikk to play it. I honestly don't know why. It's pretty fun to me. Sometimes he teaches me piano as well. Uncle Tobi loves me and always wants me to go to his flat for playdates. I may be childish but, I'm 12. I don't do that anymore. Uncle Harry doesn't really talk to me that much. I don't really know him. Uncle JJ is really protective over me. And I mean, Really protective... far more than anyone else. Uncle Ethan always finds a way to make me laugh. No matter what. We could be in the most serious situation and I will still laugh. He's just that kind of person. My favorite uncle by far has to be Uncle Cal. Apparently when I could walk, and start to talk, I would follow Uncle Cal around. They all call me Cal's little shadow just because of that. I honestly don't mind that nickname, but it gets annoying.

Another side of the family are my other grandparents. There are my dad's side, which I spend most of my time with and then, there's my mom's side... I'm not allowed to see my grandma or my grandpa. But I remember someone telling me that my grandpa is dead. Which, confuses me because I thought Josh was my grandpa and Freya, my grandmother. I'm honestly not going to question it.

I go to school and I'm fine there. I get some people asking me if 'Miniminter' is my dad or if Kenzie is my mom. I just shake my head and say, "No, I don't know who they are." People at my school actually watch my parent's videos. I'm not allowed to be in any videos with them mostly for privacy reasons. But mom and dad said that when I turn 13, I'm allowed to start a YouTube channel and be in their videos. Which, I'm pretty excited for, but I don't know how it will work out with my football team.

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