Chapter 27

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Karmyn's POV

If I were in a TV show, I would name this week's episode as 'America, Photo shoots and Meeting a friend.' Right now, I'm on the plane to America! They said soon, but I didn't think it would be this soon. That's okay with me though because... IT'S AMERICA! It's my first time leaving the country and it's also a place where my friend, Liv is.

Right now, I'm sitting in between my dad and my mom. They're asleep but I just can't sleep. I'm way too excited. I mean, it kinda scares me that I haven't slept yet... mostly because we are literally ten minutes until we're there and to us, it's near one in the morning. We are close to landing and I wake my parents up.

"Mom, dad. We're almost there, wake up."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now arriving in Maryland and would like for you to fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing," the flight attendant says, as we all obey her.

My parents put their seat belts on and then we land in Maryland. We leave the plane and grab our luggage, just to wait outside for the Uber. Once the Uber gets here, we pile into the car and leave to go to the town where this event is being held: North Beach, Maryland. It's also where Liv lives. I'm honestly so excited for this and I'm just happy.
"Karmyn. We're going out," Mom says, opening the room door.
"But I don't wanna."
"Yes, you do. Get ready, okay?"

She leaves the room and I get ready, then head out the door. I find my parents and the guys. We all go down the lift and start walking across the street, to the mini-center.

We walk up to this creepy place and I flash a glare at my dad. What the hell is this place? Why is it so creepy?

"Go in, Karm," they push me closer to the door and I go to knock it, when the door flings open. I walk in and nearly cry at the sight I see. I run up to the familiar figure and give the girl the biggest hug I could possibly give. As I run to her, I give a piercing squeal, "Liv!"

"Karmyn! It's you! I didn't know you were- how did you- what?!" We start crying in each others arms and we won't let go at all. Tears stain my face. Finally, after about ten minutes, We let go of each other and I ask, "How are you?"

"I'm great. I'm out of that mad house and I just met my best friend!"
"You know what would make this better?" My dad asks. We look at him so he could finish his sentence.

"If you were adopted," he says as mom holds out the filled-in adoption form.
"SHUT UP! Really?! Oh my gosh!"
"I have a sister now!!"

Sorry, that's all I could get for you guys. Not that much, I know.

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