Mr. Antipatiko: Chapter Twenty One

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I got off the car and thanked him for bringing me home. One step closer to the gate but he called my name. I averted a look. "What's the matter?"

"I-I...uhm... You know, uhm-" He didn't continued what he was about to say when someone bursted in. One of our house guards. "You're parents are waiting at the living room."

I looked at James. "Well, I guess I have to go now. Thank you!"

Once he had left, I hurried to the living room. There, I encountered my parents busy with their business documents and stuffs. Like what they've been doing for years. Bankrupt, the solution. Haha, just kidding! I'm also part of their business anyway. I'm the heiress, remember?

"Mom. Dad. You need me? How may I help you?" It sounded like a receptionist or something but I'm getting used to it every time I talk to them.

"You're leaving after the day you finished your test," Mom declared.

"What!?" I exclaimed in belief that I'm leaving within 12 days.

"So as soon as possible, you should pack up your things, buy important stuffs, before we leave."

"We? What do you mean 'we'?"

"I decided to join you in America since I got to do some unfinished business there."

"What will Dad do here?"

"Business." I hate it when she say that word every time she has no time to explain. It's annoying and I'm disliking it.

"Okay." If that what's she wants, I'll do it then. One word can convey thousands of feelings, right? I went upstairs, barge in to my room, and lied down on the bed.

'I don't wanna leave.' I thought. You know, I usually think of 'what ifs' whenever I'm going to leave a certain place that I love. I'm over thinking about over thinking too much about leaving.

*Next day...*

"Good morning, class!" Our jolly professor greeted. He always smile and laugh like examination day was easy. But he's totally mistaken! It's a very difficult week for us.

"Good morning, prof." No exlcamation point❗ It's not a good morning anyway. But yesterday, was. It was fun- Wait a second. It's not like I'm enjoying it. It's like it's enough to chill me out of the difficult zone.

"Since we got two more days and two weekends before the exams, I want to give you an hour just to chill your minds and get out of the stressed zones, class. Why? Because I want you to have fresh minds during the exams. Reme!Ber, study hard to?"

"Make it through." They're favorite line. I mean, his.

Someone stood and asked, "Can we go outside?"

"Yes you may, but not outside the campus, okay?"


"Okay, class. You're one hour begins. I'll come back after our teacher's conference. I don't want to hear bad news about someone hurt, okay? Don't interrupt me at the office. See you," he announced.

Once he had left the room, someone yelled, "Time to chill, dudes!!!" Here we go.

"I'm bored," I said with boredom. I'm basically inside our classroom with Lexi. Five remained inside the classroom including us.

"What else? Cafeteria? Library? Basketball court? Football court? Other courts? Swimming pool? Hall-"

"School garden," I simply said.

"Kyaaaa!!! Fine," Lexi exclaimed. School garden? Do she really have to blush and scream?

*On our way to the school garden*

"Janelle a.k.a Nadine / James's girlfriend. She's too ambitious for that dream! I got that opportunity to achieve that goal!"

"They're not even good to each other. Eeww! Intruder. I'm the only one for my bae, James."

"Don't dream too big, girl. James's is mine!"

"No! He's destined for me!"

I heard a group of girls gossiping about me negatively including Donnalyn along our way to the school garden. "Here she is." She stood up and sashayed in front of me. Three girls surrounded her.

I and Lexi stopped and talked to them. "Is there something wrong?" I grumpily asked.

"About you and James. Are you his girlfriend or something?" Donna (Donnalyn) crossed her arms.

"What kind of question is that? I have no time for nonsense, Donna-" We were about to walk away when she grabbed my lower arm.

"Answer me or I'll do something you'll regret!" She gave me a death glare.

"Are you out of your mind or you're just crang-crang and you were one of the prisoners at the mental hospital?" Lexi confronted.

"I'm not crang-crang! But remember this, Janelle. Once I see you hang-out with James, you know what's gonna happen worst," her last death words before she and her friends leave.

"Listen, Janelle. Don't let one of them hurt you. Fight back if you need to. Just call me when you need backup, okay?" Lexi reminded.

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