Mr. Antipatiko: Chapter Fifteen

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(James's picture at the Multimedia)


"See that boy on that photo?"

"You know, I do have eyes," I said and looked right into his eyes seriously, "don't tell me it's you."

"What if I tell you it's me? Would you believe me?" He said that made my eyes widened.

"Nah-uh. I won't!"

I couldn't believe it was him. There was a huge differences between him and the boy on the image. He really meant what he had just said. James shoved a baby-bracelate from his pocket to testify that he was the boy on the photo.

"Aww. Whose bracelate is that? It's adorable."

"It's mine."

"Prove it."

"And how?"

"Wear it," I commanded.

"Are you nuts!? It's too small for me to wear it, stupid," he exclaimed as he points on my forehead and pushed it.


I glanced once more at his image and covered my mouth before I chuckle so hard.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing," I rolled my eyes. "It's just that. You're playing a stuff toy. Specifically, a teddy bear. Haha!"

"It's none of your business, dummy," he looked at the photo. Our face was one inch far. I tried to move away from him before something happens.


Waaahh! He took the first one. Huhu. What did he do? I covered my mouth

"Calm yourself down. Is that your first kiss?"

"What if I told you, yes it's the first one?"

"Well, I was trying to save you from falling down. You were about to hit a sh*t."

"You know, I was saving the first one for the one I love."

"You're such a b*tch!"


The car stopped in front of the university. I met the school bodyguarding, and he greeted me a good morning. "Good morning, too!" Well, we're buddies.

"Ma'am, why didn't you ride on your boyfriend, so that you wouldn't go to school late and too early?" he teased.

"I don't need to. And, I don't have a boyfriend, bro. And if I had one, I'll never go to school with him. In fact, I have my own car, and I can go wherever I want to go. Who are you referring at?"

"Is James your boyfriend? It's controversial inside the campus."

"Don't believe them. Those are fake and unsure buzz feeds."

"Okay. You should go inside your classroom before you got detentioned for being late."

Huh? Late. I'm not yet late. It's still 8:30 AM. Classes begin at 9:00 in the morning. I still have time to roam around the school. The university was huge, and there's many places to check inside the campus.

I have to admit that I haven't memorized the places in this great school community. You know, I'm such a busy lady.

"You're too early for today's class." I looked around me and saw James.

"Waahhh! Stop scaring me."

"I'm not scaring you," he said as he walk closer to me.

"Uhm. Don't. I'll throw this tree into your dumb face." I don't wan to happen what occurred yesterday. It was horrible!!

"Throw a tree? That's stupid. Haha! You still didn't forgot about yesterday."

"Damn it! How did you know?"

"I knew, because I saw at it happened. You look...worried?"

"What if someone finds out? My parents will kill me."


"I should go now," I said and ran away. Huh? He still remember about what happened yesterday. My gush!

I made my way to our classroom and sat down on my chair. James sat next beside. Awkward!

"Class, we're having an activity inside the class. But this time, you're going to do this by pairs. Raise your hands when I call each of your names. Mr. Paras and Ms. Filomeno. Mr. Rodriguez and Ms. Ocampo. Mr. Reid and Ms. Bartolome," our Chemistry teacher announced.

I was unsatisfied and totally jealous of James and Donnalyn. "Uhm, no. Mr. Reid and Ms. Lustre," she changed her statement and continued calling pair by pair.

"Yieee!" They all teased.

"Each pair would talk about unexpected experiences that they have been through. Let's begin!" She announced.

"Uhm. What unexpected experiences have you've been experienced?" I shyly asked.

"Yesterday," he replied shortly.

Yesterday!? What yesterday? Don't even say it. I'd want to shut your mouth before you entirely said it.

"What about the 'yesterday' stuff?"

"The kiss." When he said it, I blushed.

"You?" He said and pointed at me.

"None. I might be rich, but I live simply. No unexpected experiences. No unfinished troubles."

"Mr. Reid and Ms. Lustre, it seems like you're already done. Good," said the teacher.

Mr. Antipatiko (Jadine)Where stories live. Discover now