Mr. Antipatiko: Chapter Thirteen

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"Faster, before someone takes our seat," I commanded and quickly sat on the nearest vacant seat. The MRT was crowded. There were few vacancy left inside. Some passengers just stood and hold on the bar.

James sat beside me. Another batch of passengers rode the MRT and occupied all the vacant seats. "Is this your first time? Aren't you used to this?" I asked James.

"It's not like what I expected to be," he replied. I knew he expected a train like those he rode in other countries.

Later on, I saw an old woman trying to hold on something not to fall while the train was moving. My heart ached to see her suffering. "Lola, you can have my seat," I said politely and stood.

"No, dear. I can stay long enough here," the old woman refused to sit down. "You should have my seat while you're still here in the MRT," I explained and let her sit down.

"How very kind of you," she praised. I gave her a warm smile as appreciation.

James stood all of a sudden. "What's going on?" I asked him. He replied, "standing, isn't it obvious?" He always tell an irritating joke.

"Sit down," he suddenly commanded. I looked around me and asked who was he referring to. "Are you—" he cut me off.

"Yes, who do you think am I talking at looking at?" He said and held on the bar. "You don't have to. I can stay long enough till we reach our destination," I declined his command.

"Okay," he said and went back to his seat.

"Just joking," I took back my words. He let me sit down on his chair. He held on the bar instead. "Thanks!" I cheered and he looked at me curiously. "Not," I laughed. I put my earphones on.

"Isn't that James Reid?"

"I think so. We're not yet sure."

"Let's take a picture of him!"

I heard some girls at my back murmering. I looked inside my bag and gladly I found my shades. I handed it to James and ordered him to wear it. "Wear it or else you'll see yourself on media," I explained with a low voice. He wore the shades.

"Maybe he's not. He looks more matured and taller than James Reid!"

"Yeah that's not him!"

Glad they realized it wasn't James Reid. What if they knew it was him? Then they all rushed to him and took a picture of themselves together with him. They'll post them on Facebook and the media would see it.

The news will show up on television. Journalists will publish the newspaper with its front page that says James Reid was spotted riding in an MRT together with Nadine Lustre. Haha!


As we enter the room, I noticed James trying to hide himself from the people trying to know him. He was still wearing the shades and his hoodie. "Hey," I called after him.

"Act normal. You look very suspicious!" I chuckled and tried to pull off his hood. I held on its hem and was about to pull it when I unexpectedly held his hand, which was also holding the hood.

Our eyes met. I felt awkward, cause he's still grabbing my hand.

Mr. Antipatiko (Jadine)Where stories live. Discover now