Mr. Antipatiko: Chapter Three

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I ran away from the Guidance Council and headed to the main exit of the university. My car was parked outside. Yeah I do have a car but I haven't driven it yet. I'm still seventeen years old and yet I'm not allowed to drive.

Plus, I don't know how to drive. Thus, I don't have the right yet to have a license. My parents assigned a driver to drive me to school and fetch me from school.

While I was walking, I noticed that I was being followed by someone. I looked back and saw the guy I slapped at the cafeteria. The reason why I was brought too the Guidance Council. I stood still.

"Have you been following me?" I said with an irritated tone. I crossed my arms and raised one eyebrow. He clenched his teeth and taunted, "Janelle? What a pretty name! But the owner is not."

"Who the heck are you to speak to me like that?" I confronted and sharpen my glare at him. "Are you some kind of rich kiddo? An athletic varsity in the basketball team? A famous celebrity? Or just a guy who likes to get attention?"

"You're kinda bitchy. Start stacking knowledge on your brain, doofus!" He chuckled and walked away.


I sat up on my bed and paid more attention on checking my social accounts rather than doing my homework. It's not that literally homework at school, but work that I have to do at home that my parents assigned me to do.

From: Lexi

What's the punishment?

She sent a message. I quickly replied to it:

To: Lexi

Just a warning. Bleh!

I lied down on my bed and covered my face with my arm. Later that time, sudden thoughts came out of my mind.

Bitchy. How rude he is to define me as a bitchy lady! Whoever fall in love with that guy must be victimed by its killer smile. Ikr! I swear I'm gonna make him pay for calling me bitchy and for mocking me.


I scrolled down the news feed. Suddenly a list of person appeared that says, 'People you may know.' As I browse for someone to make friends with, I grinned once I saw Janelle's Facebook name.

"The smirk, dude? This guy's in love with the girl who slapped her!" Diego laughed hard and hit my head.

I clicked her profile picture and zoomed in to see her face clearly. Why do girls obsessed with filters on their photo? "Janelle Lustre. Isn't her name Nadine Lustre?" I questioned Diego.

He stood up and teased, "yeah. Why do you have to know? Is she the new girl? Why aren't you saying a word?"

"What's with her anyway?" I asked and turned around. "Everyone knew in the university that she's the type of girl that is hard to get. You can't date her just by courting or just by impressing her. I think she's not a girl, she's an alien!" He chuckled.

"Good luck, brother!" He joked.

Mr. Antipatiko (Jadine)Where stories live. Discover now