15. | imitations

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audrey  | justin


5: 23 pm

~Incoming call - A-Hole ~

ʚ answer | decline ɞ



"Hey, Justin."

"Hey, sweetheart."



"---I asked if I  was getting in between your friends but you denied it. Now you guys are fighting about me and I hate it."

"You weren't getting in between anything Audrey...Ezra was just being an ass."

"I hate getting in between friendships."

"You aren't the problem petal, Ezra was. By the way, he came back and I forced him to apologize for thinking with his dick and now everything is fine."

"You're sure?"

"A hundred percent sure"

"Over two-hundred?"

"No, over a hundred-and-one percent."

"Okay fine, I believe you"

"Great, now I don't have to resort to plan B."

"I'm officially curious now, what was your plan B?"

"A lovely poem from Moi"

"You write poetry?"

"Of course not! I found it on Google!"

"You're a funny guy"

"Don't I know it!"

"Don't get a big head"

"I already have one sweetheart"

"Make sure it doesn't fall off"

"That was lame petal."

"I know."

"You're getting weak in your insults, why?"

"I don't know, it was a rough week I guess."

"Come on tell Dr. Phil about your problems."

[Audrey snorts and rolls her eyes]

"I've been swamped with homework and assignments and I wrote an essay which I got a B from! Can you believe it?"

"You're still in high school?"

"Uh... yeah. Aren't you?"

"No. I finished high school last year, I'm a freshman in college now."

"A freshie huh? Have you joined any clubs yet? And by clubs I mean a fraternity house, Are you a frat boy? Because you seem like one."

"I seem like one?"

"Yes, with your love for parties."

"I don't love parties, I just enjoy having fun on occasion, but I'm not a frat boy babe, I don't think I'm the preppy type."

Love And Sarcasm [Currently Editing]Where stories live. Discover now