The school party

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The group arrived at the school entrance. The whole schoolyard stood full of people! Ember walked towards some. "Why are you all standing here?" They looked at Ember and stepped back. Ember was confused. "Do I have something between my teeth?" Then she heard a voice of a teacher. She remembered the voice. "You! Get away from them you monster!" Ember looked at the teacher and noticed everyone was already looking her way. "Didn't you hear what I said? Get away from them! Look what you did to me. We don't know when you will do it again and to who!" "Yep that's her. My teacher Julia. I ALMOST missed her ... not" Julia stood right in front of Ember. Then Ember noticed that Ace stepped between them. "Leave her alone. You asked it yourself when you said those stuff back then. It's almost half a year ago and you still speak about it." "That's right! I totally forgot about that. It's half a year ago I met this group" Ember was shaking. It got her all worked up for nothing. "So just stop this nonsense before I tell everyone what you really said." Ace looked at Ember and tried to cheer her up. Then he looked back to Julia. "And before you ask. Yes I know what you said. Remember those plants in your classroom?" He smiled a bit. Julia was shocked about the news. "J-Just don't let her hurt any other people here!" Then she walked back to the other teachers. All the other children were going back to what they did before. "Ace do you really mean it that you know what she said?" Ace shook his head. "It was all bluff." He smiled a bit. "Uhm sorry." Ace and Ember looked at the people who stepped back first but had come back. "Sorry we were scared. We just felt an enormous power coming from you." Ember laughed a bit. "But we are all gathered here because the headmaster had ordered us to come here." At that moment they heard a loud voice. "THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING." It was the headmaster. Ember and Ace returned back to their group. "AS YOU KNOW THE VILLAGE CLOSE TO HERE WAS ATTACKED BY THE DRAGONS." Everyone started talking. It was just like the headmaster wanted that to try something new. He raised his hand and a giant explosion appeared in the sky. Everyone was quiet. "Hehe that's what I wanted to try out, like I said the dragons attacked the village close by. But I have great news. There were people there who fought bravely to protect the village. And they succeeded. And to make it more interesting. The people who did it are here under us at the moment." The children and teachers started looking around. "Don't try to fight them. They are right in front of you." The headmaster looked at the group. "But I will keep it a secret because I have something else to say." The headmaster laughed a bit. Because the village is saved the school isn't in any kind of trouble so the Queen and I have organized a party!" A shadow appeared on the school. Everyone looked at the sky but saw nothing. "Don't worry people. This is the power of the Queen. She is a shadow user. It's one of the legendary powers." The shadow got smaller and beside the headmaster Sophia appeared. "Hello everyone. Like your headmaster already said, there will be coming a party here for all of you to celebrate the safety of the school. And on that party we will introduce the people who saved all of us." "WHEN WILL THIS PARTY BE?" A voice came out of the crowd. Sophia laughed a bit. "You have one day to get yourself a nice pair of clothes because its tomorrow evening." Everyone started talking again. "Now you can go back to what you were doing before this! Have a nice day people!" The headmaster looked at Sophia and started talking with her. Everyone was going back to their classes. The Group walked towards the headmaster and Sophia. "Welcome back everyone. Glad to see you are all alright. And I have heard you guys and girls got stronger as well. Hope to see you all tomorrow evening." He smiled and walked back into the school. Ember stepped towards Sophia. "Say Sophia, can you maybe help me find something?" Ember got a bit red. Sophia laughed. "Ofcourse, we will go to your place oke?" Sophia looked at the others. "You all prepare as well for tomorrow. Make sure to looks good because we will introduce you all again to the school. But this time as their hero's."

"Hey Ember, do you still have that neckless?" Sophia looked at Ember while they entered Embers house. She nodded and showed Sophia her neckless. "Did you already find out what it does?" Ember shook her head. "But I have discovered that there is this tiny hole at the bottom so I think it needs to stand on something or so." Ember looked at the neckless and then back to Sophia. Then she noticed a little pin sticking out of the wall. Sophia smiled. "Say Sophia. Are you standing there on purpose?" Sophia laughed more. "Maybe.. maybe not." She stepped away and looked at the wall. That was enough for Ember to know that she did it on purpose. "Why didn't you just tell me earlier what this was?" Sophia shook her head. "You will find out soon enough." Ember did the neckless of and putted the bottom part of the neckless on the pin. "Now let it go Ember." Ember did what she was told and let the neckless go. The neckless started turning like it was unlocking something. Then a room opened. It was a giant room. "This is a room left by your parents. You can't see the expansion from outside because they sealed it with magic. You go in and look in there then I will stay here and wait for you. Just yell when you need me." Sophia sat down in a chair and started reading one of Embers books. Ember looked at Sophia and then she entered the room.

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