The news

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The group was playing with some cards. Then suddenly it felt for Gavina like there was someone poking her. She jumped out of her chair and turned in one second in a wolf. "Oke! Who poked me?!" She looked around the room but nobody reacted. Then Ace started laughing. "What's so funny?" Gavina was already human again and looked at Ace. He pointed at the chair and Gavina saw that there was sticking something out of it. It moved like a finger. "What is that!" Ember and Misty who sat beside Gavina jumped away from the chair. "Easy girls. It is just me." Ace showed his hand and they saw that when he moved his finger the thing on the chair moved as well. "So you were poking me the whole time? Why!" Gavina looked angry at Ace "I was just playing with you. You see, I can control everything that has to do with nature. So when it rains I can use the rain water, when there is lightning I can use that, when there is snow I can use it as well. But there are some things I can use always. Like wind because everywhere is air, but I can also transform the wood in the chair if I want because it's made from nature products." They all looked fascinated at Ace. "So you can use all nature things?" Ember looked at Ace and he nodded. "Oooow that's why it's called nature magic! And you also can control the earth beneath your feet right? Because it's also a nature something." Ace nodded again. "It looks like you understand a lot about the legend nature power." This time it was Embers turn to nod her head. "Yeah, I started looking up information after ....." Ember wasn't allowed to finish her sentence because the door got thrown open. Everyone opened their eyes wide open when they saw who was standing in the door opening.

The teacher walked through the hallways with the girl behind him. Then they saw mister Jacobs. "Hello Jacobs, your little class is right behind that door right?" the teacher pointed at a door at the end of the hallway. Mister Jacobs nodded. "Can I ask why?" Then the girl stepped to the front. Mister Jacobs hadn't seen her because she was standing right behind the teacher. "Ow sorry I didn't see you miss." Then the girl started walking to the door. "Thanks for showing me the way mister. I can go on alone now." And she disappeared after closing the door. She walked through the door and stopped in front of a door. She heard people laughing inside so she stepped in.

Everyone was in shock from who they saw there standing. "Hello Ember. Can we talk? Something happened.." then the girl started crying. "Sophia don't cry please!" Ember stood up and ran to the girl who apparently was the princess in an old cloak. Ember just felt that something really awful had happened to her. "Do we need to leave?" Fabiene did stand behind Ember. Ember looked at the princess who had calmed down a bit. She shook her head. "If you want .... You can stay ...." So they all staid. But there wasn't that much fun anymore now they all had the princess seen crying. Then the Princess started. "I don't really care if you all hear it. But let it be clear it's Embers choice." Then she looked right at Ember. "Ember. My dad .... He is been killed..." She had tried to ignore the tears that wanted to come. She looked at the place where normally Ember would just sit but now almost everyone sat there and Ember sat right beside her.

Princess Sophia told the group the story about how it happened. "Someone with just normal clothes on walked in the city. Like always the people who leave and enter the city are getting registered at the gate. This guy said his name was Drake. Just Drake nothing more or less. After he entered he just looked around so one of the guards from the gate walked to him to ask if he could help him. The man just said he wanted to meet someone near the castle so the guard just said how he needed to walk. We don't know what he did on the way to the castle but we do know that he said he wanted to talk to the king. And as friendly he was he came to the man who stabbed him and left his dagger behind. He ran as fast as he could. And he even ran past the guards at the gate again who tried to stop him but because he ran he bumped into one what threw his cap off. That is how we know his face. We had a drawer draw his face." The princess showed the group a scroll with a face on it. Ember and Fabiëne both froze. They remembered the face. "He ran into the woods but we couldn't find him anywhere. So my question is: Can you guys and girls hunt him down? And even if it's needed take him out?" The princess looked at Ember and Fabiëne who were still frozen in place and looking at the drawing. "Is there something wrong with it?" They unfroze and looked at the princess. "We have met this guy. He sat right beside me when we were in the great hall." The princess could read the fear and anger of their faces. Then all of a sudden Anfaloz stood up. "We do it. At least I'm in. Don't know what you all do." "Dude are you blond or something? We are friends. So where ever you go, or someone else, we all go with you." Ace stood beside him. "Yeah! Let's go and hunt down that bastard, meow!" Misty jumped up. "Let's hunt down that wild beast." Gavina came a bit closer in her wolf form. It scared the princess first but then Gavina turned back to human again and she wasn't scared anymore. "I will go and tell mister Jacobs that we are on a mission from the princess!" Fabiëne ran to the door but stopped when the princess called her to her. "Don't say it's from the princess. Say it's from the queen..." They all looked at her. Queen? "Ooow right. Because you're the next in line. I get it" Fabiëne nodded her head and walked out of the door. Ember looked at Sophia. "I'm in but I still have a question. Can I keep calling you by your name?" Sophia smiled. "Of course you can." Then she looked at the others in the room. "Can I maybe talk to Ember alone? I need to tell her something." Ember said that they could use the girls room so they walked to that room. Ember and Sophia sat down.

It was quiet for a little time. Then Sophia started. "Ember I got a note from one of the main guards of my father. He said that he got the command for whenever my father died to give me this." She opened the note and gave it to Ember.

Dear Sophia,

If you have received this note from one of my guards then I died. I'm sorry that I didn't had time to tell you this in person or show you. But our kingdom has a secret and there is only one person who can solve this. And I know this is going to sound rude but it isn't you my dear. It's Ember. She is the only person who can solve it. That's why I always said that there was something special about her. Give her this letter and necklace. If she knows what to do then maybe everything will be solved. Or else we just hope she will find out.

It was signed with the name of the king. Ember looked at Sophia who was holding the necklace. "Here, this is were my father writhed about." Ember took the Necklace and looked at it. It was from silver and it had a wing of something on the bottom. "How does this needs to solve something? I don't know what to do with it." Ember looked at Sophia again. It was like she could read her mind. "Just try to figure it out please." Ember looked at the necklace again and then putted it around her neck. "Oke but what will be solved by it?" When Sophia said it, it was like the floor underneath Embers feet disappeared and she just fell. "No... just no! This can't be happening. Not the kingdom ..." Ember shook her head empty. "Please say this is a joke!" Ember stood up. "Sorry Ember but sadly it's true. Our kingdom ... It's the next target of the dragons."

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