In trouble

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Ember regained consciousness and saw that she was in a forest just lying there on the ground with her cloak covering her body again. She stood up and got rid of all the stuff that was on her cloak. "What happened?" She didn't know a single thing what happened. Just that she got mad at her teacher. Scared of remembering what happened she changed the object. "Where in the world am I at this moment?" Ember looked around and the only thing she saw were trees and bushes so she just started walking without knowing where to go. She looked up to see the sun and noticed it was almost the end of the day. Did she need to sleep outside in the forest? She just walked in a straight line through the forest and found a little lake. She looked around for people because where water is there is life. Ember started to walk around the lake still looking. Ember came at the other side of the lake without finding any living things just nature when she froze. There, on the other side of the lake, was the shadow again. It almost looked like it was searching for her. A few moments later it noticed her and start walking through the forest around the lake to come to her. Ember tried to run the opposite way. She started running but the shadow turned around. It was fast. "There it comes. Is this the end for me?" Ember just stopped and sat down. She had given up the courage. The shadow almost reached her. Then it slowed down and came out of the forest. Ember looked up and saw that the shadow was a wolf. It was a black wolf. "So that's why you seemed like a shadow for me." Ember laughed because she was talking to an animal again. The looked the wolf straight in the eyes and the wolf did the same. "Sorry if I scared you." The wolf came closer. Ember laughed "Naah, I just made myself more scared." And then she noticed it. "Wooow wait a second. You can talk?!" She got confused. It almost looked like the wolf smiled and then there was a big blinding light. Ember looked away and when she looked at the wolf again she saw a girl standing there trying to help and get Ember up. Ember grabbed her hand and stood up. "Hello I am Gavina, we got send to search for you and because I can turn in a wolf I could smell you." Ember looked weird at Gavina. "We?" then she noticed that at the place where she and the wolf came from some people came. It where 5 other people.

Not long after that the other people reached the place where Gavina and Ember were. "Ember! I was so worried when I saw you running!" Fabiëne came running to Ember. "Fabiëne what are you doing here?" Even to Ember and Fabiëne just met the other day there were good friends already. The other 3 where 2 boys, a girl who looked a lot like a cat and an older person. "Good work Gavina." The older person stepped to the front and stopped right before Ember. "Hello Ember. I'm mister Jacobs." Ember got scared. "He is from the school? I'm in trouble ....." It was like one of the boys could read her mind. "Easy you are not in any troubles." She looked at him. He looked just normal only just a bit shy. "Dude come on. Don't keep staring at the ground." The boy besides him gave him a little push with his arm. The boy that talked earlier looked up. Then Ember noticed his eyes. Green and Brown. "Yeah sorry haha." The boy laughed. "Anyways this dude here is Ace." The guy looked at the shy person. "And I'm Anfaloz." Anfaloz looked at Ember. He had red hair and red eyes. His shirt was also red. "Hi I'm Ember." Ember greeted him. The guy who was right beside him who was called Ace looked at the lake. He had black hair with a green sweater. He also had one green eye and the other brown. He had a scar by his green eye. "Ow ow ow. My name is Misty. And we came here to search for you meow." Ember looked at the girl who stood right besides Gavina. She had green hair and yellow eyes. She also had cat ears. "Like you noticed already I think, yeah I have cat ears. I'm a half human half cat." Well that explained a lot for Ember. She looked at the teacher again. "So why did you guys follow me?" She looked right in the teachers eyes. They creeped her out a bit. His eyes where black, his hair yellow and apparently he was an elf. "We came to get you back because we want you to put you in a special class." Ember was confused. Why a special class? "It's a class for people who are special. Like Ace over there seems to control the power of nature." Ember looked up "Isn't that a legendary power?" Ace looked at her and nodded his head. "Gavina here has control over fire. But like you have seen she can turn into a wolf." Fabiëne looked at the place where Gavina would be but she wasn't there. "Uhm where is she?" She looked at misty who looked around. "Gavina!" Misty started yelling her name. "Just calm down. She is nearby." They all looked at Ace. He still looked at the lake and then turned around. Her green eye was glowing. "I hear her in the bushes there." He pointed at a bush between 2 trees behind Misty. They all heard a howl and then a wolf came out of the bushes. It was Gavina. "Sorry when its dark or full moon I am getting forced into a wolf." Everyone looked at her. Then Fabiëne started again. "Misty here is a half cat half human and can control Lightning. But because she is a half cat she has the reflexes of a cat and that sort of things." Misty smiled and waved. Because she started waving Ember could see that she had cat nails. "This here is Anfaloz. He has the power of fire but it is not the normal fire. His fire is hell fire." Fabiëne looked at Anfaloz. "My parents said that I got infected with darkness once but that my fire saved me and absorbed it. Now it's my hell fire." Anfaloz laughed. Fabiëne looked at the teacher. "And this is mister Jacobs, our teacher. He is specialized in letting us control our powers." Ember had still 2 questions to ask. "It all sound really cool but I still want to know some things. At first. Fabiëne, why are you here? And second. What do you guys want with me?" Ember looked at Fabiëne. Fabiëne laughed "They say I am a really powerful ice wizard because I can create giant ice things out of one tiny water drop." Ember knew she had control over ice but she didn't know Fabiëne was that powerful. "Let's start walking back oke?" the teacher interrupted them. And they all started walking back.

A few minutes later Ember remembered that she never got an answer on her question why she was in this class so she asked again. Nobody answered the question. Then suddenly mister Jacobs stopped. "Oke I will tell you." He turned around to Ember. "We don't know for sure but from what we have been told from miss Julia is that you are a very powerful wind wizard who doesn't even need to use a staff to cast her spells. And from what you had told to her that you can't even cast a simple spell is weird for us all. So I believe that when you get mad like you did when you was at her you can cast spells when your unconscious. Her wounds where so clean that it needed to be a really difficult wind spell." Ember was shocked. She hurt a teacher? Then the question came up in her again. "What have I done..." so she asked it to mister Jacobs but he didn't know the answer. Nobody did. At least Ember was going to say sorry to miss Julia first thing when she was back.

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