The knowledge about familiars

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Ember walked inside the library and say hello to the woman behind the counter. "For what are you looking?" Ember said that she didn't really know. "Well you have all the time you want but I close the library before it gets dark. So be sure to leave before that or you will get locked in." Ember nodded and walked towards the first bookcase on the left. She started searching for some book that maybe could hold some information. The first row was nothing that she could use so Ember walked to the next row and found a book about summoning. "While I am here I can also try to found out things about the others." She had found a lot that could hold information for her friends but there weren't any books that could tell her about who she was and why she was this popular by some creatures. "Well at least I can find some information about them so I can help them getting better when I go back." Ember opened the book of summoning and looked through it. There were five chapter. Chapter one, two, three and four were for the common element types. The fifth chapter was for the marks the familiars get. "Hmm so nothing about Ace's element." Ember stood up to grab the next book but stopped. She looked at the book. "Maybe I should take it with me to get to know more about familiars. I don't know why but I am still kind of interested in it." Then Ember found some books about each element apart. "I already have this many books from just one library. I don't need to visit the other once yet I think."

Ember walked back to the bar and saw the man standing. "Hay sir. I am back." The man looked at Ember. "Well that was a quick trip for you it seems. Did you find anything useful?" Ember sat down at the bar and laid a bag on the table. She took out the books and showed them to the man. "Well well! Looks like you got a lot of books there. Why don't you sit down in that corner there. I will even light the fire for you." The man pointed to the corner where a little read corner was with a fireplace. Ember agreed and walked to the corner with the books in her bag. She sat down in the chair. It was kind of comfy. She watched how the man lighted the fire. It was really quickly done. She didn't even see with what he made the fire. She laid down the books on a little table beside the chair. She started with the book about the element Ice.

After reading a few chapters of the book she closed it. The man noticed it and walked to her. "Want something to drink? Or are you tired because you closed the book without finishing it." Ember looked at the man. "Can I have some water please?" The man walked away and came back after a while with a can full of water and a glass. He putted it down on the table in the middle of the reading corner. "I closed the book this fast not because I am tired by the way." The man back to Ember when he wanted to walk away. "I closed it because it almost looks like this book here is calling for me." Ember grabbed the book for the familiars icons. "Did you summon your familiar yet?" The man was sitting down in front of Ember. It was not that busy at the bar so he could easy do this. "No I haven't but that is because I can't cast a single spell." The man stood up with a smile. "The time will come for you to know what kind of powers you have." He said something after that what she couldn't hear. But she managed to read his lips a little. "Did he just say little princes? Or am I wrong about that?" Ember shook her head a bit and opened the book about familiars. In the book was standing that each familiar had his/her own mark/icon but that it isn't visible to people. But when people cast a certain spell they are able to see them. "Great! Another thing what needs magic! That there is my luck." Ember read the spell. For some kind of reason the spell looked familiar for her. Like she saw it somewhere else before. "Now I think of it. Are there spells that don't need any magic..." Ember thought about it but couldn't find any answers so she stood up and walked to the man behind the bar. He was helping a man so Ember just waited but the man saw her and walked towards her. "What is wrong?" Ember asked her question. The man just stood there waiting but shook his head. "I don't know. I don't really use spells so I don't really know." "Well there are some spells that don't use any magic. But they are not that useful because nobody really understands the effect from some of them." The man who was helped by the bar owner answered Embers question. "So do you know if this spell needs any magic to be casted?" Ember showed the man the spell about the reveal of familiar marks/icons. "Yes that spell doesn't need any magic to be casted. But what do you need with seeing those marks and icons of the familiars?" Ember was happy about it! "I don't know yet but I want to learn more about familiars so.." The man smiled. "Good luck then girl." Ember returned happy back to the reading corner.

Hours had passed and it was just after midnight. Ember had fallen asleep in the chair with the book open in her hands. The bar owner saw it and smiled. He closed Embers book after putting something between the papers. He stepped outside the bar and locked down the door.. He walked to the square of the town. A lot of people where at that place. Something was going to happen. And it wasn't something good.

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