The secret power of the familiars

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After taking a little break and having eaten something the group continued their way to nowhere. Frost and Fabiëne were like usually on the front and the others just followed her. Nobody knew where they were going. Even Fabiëne didn't know. They just followed Frost because she started flying in this direction and didn't want to turn around. "Guys look at that." Ace pointed at a few dragons at the right side of them. "They don't even want to attack.. it almost looks like they are scared to come closer." The others looked at the way Ace pointed and saw that he was right. Instead of coming at them to attack them they flew away of them. "Master they are indeed scared. Ace is right. It seems they are scared of an aura that is coming of the group." Anfaloz heard Vetis her voice in his head. "Your right Ace. Vetis told me it's possible that they are scared of an aura that is coming of us. But who's aura is it?" "It us Frost her aura. She is telling them to back off." Mister Jacobs informed them about it.

It got dark after a while. "Frost why don't we land somewhere and rest up?" Fabiëne leaned forward to look at Frost her face. "No we aren't going to land. We are almost there." Fabiëne looked at the group behind her. "Can the griffons keep up for a little bit more?" They all nodded so they continued. A little bit later Frost started to lower height. "There it is." Fabiëne looked the way that Frost pointed out. It was a little town. Not that big. "Why are we going to land here then? Can't we just get closer?" Fabiëne saw that Frost was landing a little bit away from the town. After they landed Frost turned to the group. "I landed here for a reason. That village is full of dragons. And there is also coming a familiar sense of there." The others all tied there griffons against the trees. "We will stay behind." Said mister Jacobs while looking at Sophia. She nodded and so the others started walking towards the town. But then they saw a shadow in the woods right of them. "Do not fear. I am on your side." An familiar voice sounded from the place where the shadow was. Anfaloz started laughing. "Vetis come on. No jokes now." The shadow stepped forward and they saw Vetis standing there. "Anfaloz when did you summon her again?" Gavina looked at Anfaloz. "I didn't. She summoned herself. I just felt her presents." Fabiene looked at Frost. "Can Familiars do that?" Frost nodded. "All Familiars have a special ability. Seems like the race of Vetis can summon their self." Vetis nodded. "So Frost what is your special ability then?" It seemed like Frost was smiling. "I planned to show you right before we entered the town." Fabiene agreed with that. "Kiba what is your ability?" Gavina walked beside Kiba. "Well, it is a bit useless. But I can make myself huge. As huge as Frost." Gavina thought about it. "So you can use it when we need to capture someone who is running to get closer real fast and you can also use it to protect us!" Kiba stopped for a while but ran quickly back to the side of Gavina. "I never thought about that. That's something useful you said there!" Gavina started blushing a little bit. "Say Thunder, can you tell me your ability, meow?" Misty was just looking at the sky while laying on Thunders back. "If needed I can revive people who died less than 5 minutes ago. "Nice! How do you do that, meow? Do you send thunder into their body or what, meow?" Misty felt that Thunder was shaking his head. "No I let out a giant howl that will also paralyze the enemy for a little while." "Awesome, Meow!" Misty turned around and was laying with her face in Thunders fur.

After a while the group saw a house. "Well I think it's time to show that ability of mine right?" Frost looked back and the whole group nodded. "Well here I go." There was light coming of Frost and she started to shrink. The light covered Frost her whole body but it didn't light up the area around her that much. Then the light faded and on the place where Frost was standing earlier there was now a girl. Her hair was blue like the ocean and long. Her eyes where light blue and they looked like dragon eyes. Her outfit was a blouse with under that a black shirt. But the thing Fabiëne noticed was that the girl had a little band around her neck. "What's wrong Fabiëne? Don't you remember me?" The girl talked to Fabiëne with a familiar voice. "Is that you Frost?" The girl smiled. "Taadaa! We dragons can turn into a human." She smiled and made a pirouette to show herself. "Frost what is that thing on your neck? It seems you can't take it off." Frost grabbed the little band. "Don't worry. This is something I used to have. It's also something from you. You see, it's a band that you can activate when needed. Like when we are asleep and I am in human form. And there is something coming our way. You can activate it and I turn back into a dragon." The group were all still looking at Frost. The only thing she heard from them was the word "wow". "Well let's get going now." Frost started walking into the town and the others followed her. Anfaloz told the familiars to stand by behind that house.

"Frost where are we looking for, meow?" Frost still hasn't said anything about what they were trying to find. Then they saw people walking. "What are those people doing at this time of the day?" Ace spoke really quiet so the people didn't hear anything. Frost stopped. Fabiëne looked at her. "Frost what's wrong?" Frost didn't react. But this time there was something. Her eyes were like there was no live in it. "Frost?!" Fabiëne grabbed Frost her hand but Frost rejected her and threw her away. Fabiëne flew against a wall of a sort of bar. The others left Frost alone and started running towards Fabiëne. "Are you alright, meow?!" The guys helped Fabiëne on her feet. "Something is in this town what takes control over Frost. Her eyes where lifeless." They looked at Frost who was walking in the same direction as the other people of the town. Then the group heard a loud noise of something hitting on the door. They all jumped a few meters backwards. Because of that the guys had let go of Fabiëne and she fell against the wall again. "Sorry Fabiëne!" They both ran towards her when they saw her eyes turn big. Did the same thing happen to her as what happened to Frost?

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