Getting away

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Ember opened her eyes. "Where am I?" Everything was dark around her. It seemed that she was in an bed so she stepped out. Then she tripped over something. The light got turned on and Ember noticed that she was in the nurse hall. "Is everything alright?" A nurse came towards Ember. "Get away from me!" Ember pushed the nurse away and ran out of the door. By just looking around Ember knew where to go. She was at the nurse hall of the school and that was real close where she and the others slept. Only the nurse hall was on the first floor and their rooms on the second. Ember started running. "I want to go as far away as I can from here." And for the second time she ran out of the school. She wanted to go home. "I'm coming home guys. I am coming." When she left the school square she ran immediately into the forest. She liked it in there.

Ace and Anfaloz woke up because they heard noise from the other room. "What is happening there?" Ace didn't know it either so they walked to the door. At the point they wanted to open the door there was someone knocking on it already. "Ace! Anfaloz! Wake up! There has happened something!" They heard the voice of mister Jacobs so Anfaloz opened the door. "Grab your stuff. We are going to search for Ember." Anfaloz rushed back into the room and changed clothes. Ace just stood there. "What happened with her sir?" Mister Jacobs looked at Ace. "Just go and change. And don't forget to grab your wand with you. I will tell you in a few seconds." So Ace turned around as well.

A few moments later mister Jacobs, Ace, Anfaloz, Misty, Gavina and Fabiëne gathered together outside. They all called their familiars out of their rooms. Then they all started running towards the castle. "Sir, can you tell us why we are searching for Ember?" Ace still didn't know anything from what had happened. "Well she ran away but there was something different. The nurse got hurt and told Ember just pushed her. But the nurse had a big wound on her shoulder." "So something had made her pissed off." Ace answered like it was nothing. "Fabiëne. Is it oke if I go forth looking for her?" Frost flew above Fabiëne. Fabiëne nodded and Frost flew away. She was high in the air so nobody really noticed. "But sure do you know where she went?" Gavina came running beside mister Jacobs and he shook his head. "I want to go to the queen first because she is close to Ember. Maybe she is there." After a while they arrived by the gate. They didn't even need to say their names for a reason. They could just run through the gate. Misty noticed that everyone looked at them. When she thought about it she laughed. "What is so funny Misty?" Ace looked at Misty. "I was wondering why everyone is looking at us but when you think about it, three children from who one is half a cat, two wolfs, a lion and a demon angel, meow." They all heard it and all they laughed. Except Fabiëne. She was worried. "What happened to Ember?" They arrived at the castle and they saw the queen standing. "How did she know?" Anfaloz looked at Mister Jacobs who signed at them to stay. "I am here to report about Ember. She has ran off somewhere." He kneeled for the queen. "No problem Jacob. And please you know you don't need to kneel for me." She looked at the group. "Seems Jacob learned you all how to summon a familiar." Then she looked at Ace and Fabiëne. "Where are your familiars?" Fabiëne stepped forward to the queen. "Well mine is searching for Ember at the moment. But Ace here couldn't summon his familiar for some kind of reason." The queen walked to Ace. "I sure know you will get a familiar sometime soon. And Fabiëne what is your Familiar?" Fabiëne didn't know is she had to tell it but just before she wanted to say it mister Jacobs said it. "Her familiar is the legendary ice dragon Frost. But we aren't here to talk about familiars. We are here to find Ember." The queen looked at mister Jacobs to make him stop talking. After that she looked at Fabiëne. "You are a great ice wizard if you summoned Frost. And if she is looking for Ember then I know for sure that she will find her." Then she looked at the others. "I invite you all to come into the castle until Frost finds Ember." "But queen. How will Frost know where we are or I know if she found Ember?" Fabiëne looked at the queen. "I will tell you inside." And after that everyone walked inside the castle.

Ember ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She was almost home. "The others are probably by Julia now. So I have to hurry and grab some stuff to ran away further." She saw her house and ran in. "Hmm what should I grab?" Ember grabbed a bow and a lot of arrows. "Well I have some hunt stuff now." She also filled up a bag with books. Then she did write a little letter for the others for when they came here. She walked to the door and stepped through it. She closed it behind her and then she heard something land. Ember turned around and saw Frost. "What do you want from me?" "I just came here to get you back to the school nothing more." Ember shook her head. "I am not going back to that place. I only hurt people and I don't even have any powers." She grabbed her bow and an arrow and pointed it to Frost. "Put the bow down before someone gets hurt Ember. Believe me. You have a power but you are unaware of it. Or is it because you don't want to believe it?" Ember shot the arrow at the head of Frost but she dodged it easy. "Just go away from me. Why would I even trust a dragon!" Ember saw the animals from the forest coming out. Were they going to help Ember? They closed in on Frost. "I see you made some friends here." Then Ember started running. "They want me to get away from you!" Frost wanted to follow but got held back by some animals. "Fabiëne. I found her but she ran away. But the place she is heading to isn't a really safe place so I am returning." Frost shook of the animals and flew back to Fabiëne.


"Oke Frost. I am at the castle. We will make sure that you can land on the roof." Fabiëne looked at the queen. "I don't know how I did it but I communicated with Frost. She is coming to the roof. And Ember escaped from her and is heading into a dangerous place she said." The queen nodded. "Let's go to the roof then. Jacobs do you want to go to the roof already?" She smiled at mister Jacobs. "Yes master." He disappeared like a shadow. "Huh! Wait master?!" The group looked at the queen and after that to the place where mister Jacobs disappeared. "And what was that for a power? He said he didn't had any!" 

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