The power of the nature

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After a little time Ember and Sophia stepped into the room where the others were waiting. Mister Jacobs was also sitting there. Nobody noticed that Ember had cried after hearing the story. "Ember we all agreed on letting mister Jacobs come with us for when everything is going the wrong way." Fabiëne looked at Ember but she didn't get any reaction. Then she looked at Sophia who shook her head. "Aren't you going to join us?" Anfaloz wanted to set a step forward to look Ember in the eyes but he was being hold back by Ace. He walked towards Ember and gave her a hug. "Ember I don't know what you have heard. But please come with us. I know we need you." Ember was glad to hear that and also liked the hug. She needed one really bad after hearing the news. Ace stepped back. "Ow and awesome neckless you got there." Ember looked down at her neckless and smiled. "It was the last gift from my dad. But I'm going to take my leave now. I need to settle some things in the castle." Sophia walked away. "Okay let's go find him! First we need to ask his teacher maybe to find out if he was on school today." Ember looked up and was looking serious. "No need for it. Mister Jacobs asked his teacher already and he said that the boy wasn't on school today, meow." Misty poked the teacher. Ember nodded and they all knew where to go. So they walked away. "Btw mister Jacobs, aren't we just allowed to run through school now? Just because it's an important mission?" Anfaloz looked at mister Jacobs. "Sure but let me run at the front." Mister Jacobs started running and the group followed him. "Why isn't Gavina in wolf form? She can run faster that way." But then she remembered what Mister Jacobs told everyone. Gavina isn't allowed to turn into wolf form at school because she will only scare the others. So that's why they need to cover her when its dark. And she isn't allowed to get out of her room when its full moon. And if she is outside she is warned to not get onto the school square because everyone will think it's a wild wolf then.

After a few minutes they reached the forest. "Oke do we have a plan on how we are going to find him?" Gavina just stood there without any idea. Then Anfaloz remembered something that Sophia said. "Gavina how good is your wolf sense?" Gavina laughed. "Are you serious? My sense it really good." Anfaloz reminded her about what Sophia said. "Remember that Sophia said that the killed left the dagger?" On that moment they heard someone closing in. Everyone was getting ready to attack but mister Jacobs calmed them down. "Easy. I was thinking the same thing as Anfaloz so I contacted the queen." At that moment there came a knight on his horse through the bushes. "Hello are you by any chance Jacobs?" mister Jacobs nodded and took the dagger from the knight. "Go and do what is needed." That was the last thing the knight said before he left them alone.

Mister Jacobs gave Gavina the dagger. "Oke time to stab people to death!" she ran away. "No way Gavina! We need it!" Mister Jacobs tried to go after her but got stopped by the laughing of the group. "Why are you all laughing?" he turned around and saw Gavina just stand by them. "But – but – how?!" Gavina smiled "That's called sneaking through the bushes in wolf mode." Now mister Jacobs started to laugh as well. How could he not had seen that. "Oke enough playing around. Let's find that killer." Gavina threw the dagger on the ground and looked at Ace. "Keep an EYE out will you?" She smiled. The others almost laughed again. "Yeah I get it. Eye, magic blab la." Ace smiled as well. He knew the joke. Gavina turned into a wolf. Smelled on the dagger and then ran away. The ground just walked through the forest. They were all surrounding Ace because he was using his magic to get information over where Gavina was heading and when he does this he can't defend himself. So if they were attacked then Ace would get a difficult choice. Or lose track of Gavina and defending himself and then when she faced the killed she was just by herself. Or just keep tracking Gavina and hoping not getting hurt very bad or worse.

It turned night and they walked for over a few hours. Gavina did come back a few times in that time to let Ace not lose her and then she would follow her nose again. But this time Ember stopped her. "Gavina let's rest for a few hours and then continue. Ace doesn't look really good right now." Gavina looked at Ace and saw that he was exhausted. "Oke then. Let's rest." It was like it was Ace his command to lay down because his eye stopped glowing and he dropped down on the ground. "Ace?" Anfaloz looked at Ace and notice that he was just sleeping. Mister Jacobs laid Ace on the moss at a tree. "Oke let's make a little camp."

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