The power of the Ice dragon goddess

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The group watched how all the people around Charl changed into dragons. "Get away from here! We familiars can be summoned again when we are defeated. But when our owners, you guys, die then we also die!" Kiba stood the closest to the group. Gavina nodded and together with Misty she helped Anfaloz on his feed. But Fabiëne was just standing there. "Fabiëne come! Listen to them!" Gavina grabbed Fabiëne's shoulder but she let go in an instant. "What's wrong Gavina, meow?" Misty and Anfaloz walked towards Gavina. "Her shoulder... its cold as ice." Fabiëne turned her head a bit and smiled. "I am not leaving here without Frost." A tear rolled down over her face but before it left her face it froze and disappeared. "Why are you so cold Fabiëne! Tell me!" Gavina stood beside Fabiëne. Fabiëne didn't know it either so she didn't answer at all. "Kiba I think you got bad luck. I am not leaving here. But I am also not planning on dyeing." Fabiëne started laughing quietly. The familiars looked at Fabiëne. The group noticed that they were looking scared towards Fabiëne. "Thunder what is happening, meow?" "Vetis! What is wrong!" "Kiba? Is everything oke?" Misty, Anfaloz and Gavina didn't get an answer from them. Instead they saw the familiars run to them and grab them to run away. "Guys! What is happening!" Anfaloz was really confused. They stopped and Vetis shook her head. "Don't you feel the aura? Don't you see the ground under her feet?" They looked towards Fabiëne and then they noticed it.

Frost was the only one who didn't change into a dragon yet. "Frost. Do not worry. I will save you from him. We are going to get home together. I will not leave until you are yourself again!" Fabiëne felt she was crying but there were no tears. Only ice. The ground under her feet was totally turned into ice. There was also a light mist hanging over the ground. "Ow! So you guys are leaving her all alone?!" Charl started laughing. "Well good friends do you have Fabiëne." "Ow man. What do I hate that voice." Fabiëne was a bit shocked. That voice in her head wasn't her voice. And it also wasn't Frosts voice. "Who are you? And what are you doing in my head?" It was like the time froze around Fabiëne. She saw the dragons running towards her. She also saw her friends with their familiars standing far behind her. "Do not worry my child. I am not a stranger. You just don't know my voice. But you do know my power." Fabiëne got more confused. The power of that voice? What power? The voice started laughing. It sounded really nice. "I am the voice of the old owner of your power my girl. You only uses a small part of it because I thought you couldn't handle the full blast of it" Fabiëne smiled a bit. "The old owner of my powers? How can powers pass on to other people. That isn't real. I am just getting insane." The in the mist before her appeared a giant creature. Maybe twice as big as Frost. "Did you ever wonder why you got Frost, the ice dragon queen, as familiar?" Fabiëne looked better at the creature and noticed that it was a dragon. She also nodded on the question of the dragon. The dragon smiled. "It's because you got my powers. The power of the ice dragon goddess. Just the powers. You can't change into a dragon. Only dragons are able to turn into humans. Not the other way around." Fabiëne just stood there looking. "But what did you meant with not able to handle the full blast of your power?" The dragon looked behind her. "I meant that I was afraid that your heart wouldn't be able to handle it. But it seemed like I was wrong. I feel your love for Frost. And also for your friends." The dragon looked towards Fabiëne. "My dear. You have an really strong heart. Maybe even stronger than mine." Fabiëne started blushing a bit. "Ow! I have one more question. How is it possible that everything is frozen solid?" The dragon kneeled. "I froze the time just to speak to you. I will lift it and I will give you full access to my powers." The dragon turned around ready to walk away but stopped then. "Ow and we can still keep in contact. Just think of the name Crystal. Frost won't know then because it will all happen in your head then."

The dragons stormed towards Fabiëne. "Fabiëne watch out!" Anfaloz yelled and wanted to grab her but got hold back my Vetis. Fabiëne opened her eyes and smiled. "You are all too late. I have seen everything now!" In one swipe with her arm Fabiëne froze like twenty dragons on the front. The dragons that were behind those dragons stopped and looked towards Fabiëne. "You know Charl. You really pissed me off. Give me back my friend!" Charl started laughing. "You mean this girl here." He grabbed Frost by her arm and held his hand with sharp claws by her throat. He started laughing again. "Ooow what am I going to enjoy your face!" He wanted to cut her throat but he could move his arm. "What the!" He looked at the side and Fabiëne was standing there. "You little brad!" He smashed Fabiëne with his claw but she turned into ice blocks. "I think you missed there dude." Charl looked where Frost was and saw Fabiëne again. This time he smashed her with both his claws but yet again she turned into ice blocks. "It's no use Charl. You are surrounded." Charl looked around him and noticed he was inside a giant ball of ice. "This isn't going to hold me back!" He released his purple aura again but it got denied by the ice. "What! What did you do you stinking elf!" He felt a breath coming from behind. "Don't you dare calling my master a stinking elf." Charl looked around and saw Frost in dragon form with ten Fabiëne's around her. "But ... how! You were under my curse!" Frost smiled. "It was the power of my master that released me. I kind of need to thank you for it. If you didn't do it her powers didn't awaken now." He saw Frost nod to someone behind him. He tried to look around but at that moment he got turned to ice. "Well I call that outplayed my friend." The Fabiëne's beside Frost all turned into ice blocks.

Fabiëne ran towards Frost. "I am so glad that your oke Frost!" They hugged each other. "But Fabiëne. Did you already figure out how we can leave this place?" They looked around and Fabiëne scratched the back of her head. "Oops?" Misty, Gavina and Anfaloz walked towards the ball of ice. They saw Fabiëne and Frost looking around. Anfaloz and Gavina tried to melt the ice but instead of melting the ice, the ice froze their fire. "Anfaloz can't you use your hell fire to burn it down?" Gavina stepped away and Anfaloz started to use his hell fire. He got the demonic fire wings. He used his hell fire with all his power but still the ice didn't want to melt so he stopped. "How is this possible?" They stepped away from the ice ball. Just in time because an enormous wind slash sliced the ball open. "Wow!" The group looked around to see who did it and then they saw Ace and Ember. "Ember! Did you see what I did!" Fabiëne ran towards Ember while almost crying. They all walked towards them. "Do you guys know who did that, meow?" Ace smiled and nodded his head towards Ember. "She did it." Ember smiled. "So you're a wind wizard Ember?" Ember nodded her head while she saw Anfaloz look at her. "Yeah sort of." And then Anfaloz stepped towards Ember. "Say tell me something. Since when did you put on a different coat? And since when are your eyes gold colored?" Ember stepped back a bit afraid. Ace wanted to step in. "I don't know. My coat I found on my way. And my eyes? I don't know. Maybe you never noticed them?" She smiled a bit. "Well that seems like a legit answer to me." Ace stepped between Anfaloz and Ember. "Aren't we happy enough that we found Ember? Let's go back to the queen and mister Jacobs and then go home." They all agreed on that. While still talking happy to each other they walked back. "Where did all those dragons go by the way?" Fabiëne shook her head. "Maybe they disappeared after we had beaten Charl."

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